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As I was about to leave, the most unexpected thing happend.

The cops.
"Good day Miss Johnson.I am Officer Anderson, and we're here-" they looked at each other and stayed silent.

"Good day?" I stood there not knowing what was about to happen.

"I hope you don't mind, but we have some things to tell and ask you," The other one said.

"Actually, Officer..I-I this is not the right time. I actually have some work to do. Can..Can I drop off by the station later today?" I nervously play with the hem of the jacket I was wearing.

"Actually this is something important." Officer Anderson said."It's about your parents accident." The other officer who I assumed is Wilson, as it was written on the badge he wore.

"Uh, Okay..Let's sit." I didn't know what else I could do.

"We know you've been having a rough time, but the sooner you know the better." They once again exchanged unsure looks.

"Know what officer?" Nervously I asked.

"We, we found something's that have made us believe that this,..this wasn't an accident but a murder."

I felt my jaw drop onto the floor. Murder?

"We-We're sorry, but does anyone in particular you think anyone could have done this?" The officer asked.


I tried hard, hardest I could but none of what I heard could be digested.

"I know Miss Johnson, but we really need your help, please." Officer Anderson said.

"I..I don't think there is anyone in particular that comes to my mind. But however, I'll drop by if I feel anything."

"That would be great, We assure you we'll bring justice to them." They assured me.

I simply nodded.

Murder. Why would someone murder my parents? Could it be the same person who is texting me? Should I tell them?

"We'll go ahead with our investigation and will keep you updated." They said as they reached the door.

My phone began vibrating. I looked at the screen and cut it. It was the guy who called me earlier.

"Thank you officers." I said and soon they left.

I rushed out, locking the house to the white car that was waiting for me.

"Good Day, Miss Johnson?" The driver said looking at me through a rear glass.

"Goo-d day." I nervously keep playing with the hem of my leather jacket.

My mind was a mess, a mess because I still cannot believe they think it was a murder.

The journey was silent, not too long. He halted right infront of the main entrance of a glass skyscraper.
I got out of the car, staring at the surrounding.

"18th floor, third door to your left." The driver said before vanishing in a blink of an eye. I walked past the glass sliding door, and took the elevator.

What is this place?

As the elevator door dinged, infront of me was a really posh place. It was mostly empty but there were a few people walking around.

I look to my left, and see a door that has a name plate with, "Alexander Grey" inscribed on it. I knock on the glass door and I heard the voice of a man saying,"Come in."

I step inside, seeing a man in a blue shirt standing at the window.

"Miss Johnson?" The posh accent asked, as he turned around to face me.


Infront of me was brownish blonde hair.

"Was expecting your presence for a long time." He said with a smirky smile.

I just stand there like an idiot, not saying a word.

"I am Alexander, Alexander Grey, the owner of this place." He said, forwarding his hand for a handshake.

I shook it uncomfortably.

"Have a seat and let's discuss what I've called you, rather what you've come here for..."

I nod and pull the chair and take a seat.


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