7 3 0

I found myself waking up infront of a pile of photos scattered all around me.
I was still in my black dress, which made me recollect what had happend.
I freshened up and went downstairs, calling out for Spencer. "Spence? Spencer?"

I heard the door bell ring.

I walked towards the door and opened it.

No one. Not a sign of anyone.

I looked down, and seen there was a letter there.

I picked it up, looked everywhere before shutting the door behind me.

I opened it and read it.

"Red:A colour of Warning.
Expect the unexpected babe. Kisses xx"

Was all that was written.
With that, it struck me about the file.

I ran up the stairs to their room, and opened the file  to see what it all was about.

I may have read a few lines until I realise the pages were torn, and thats when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Good day Miss Alexis," A posh accent spoke over the line.

"Erm, May I know who this is?"

"It's Mr.Grey, you'll soon know why I have called but first I'd like you to know something." He said.

"And that is...."

"It's something that we can't discuss over the phone,so do as I say and I assure you most of your unanswered questions will be put to rest."

"Okay, so when can we discuss this unknown stuff?" I asked.

"Soon, my driver will pick you up in 5 minutes. Don't waste time." He said hanging up.

What was all of this?

Soon there was a message.

From: Blocked ID

Tick tok, tick tok the times passing and you're gonna be mine soon. But first you get punished :) xx

I need to do something about this.

I looked at the watch, two minutes until the car would arrive. I grabbed my purse and was about to leave when....


Hey guys! Sorry its a very very short chapter but I had to tell you a little before moving on. Next chapter is longer.

Till then wrack your brains to find out what's gonna happen :) love yaaaa

Merryl xx

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