Chapter 11

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Ben just stares...and stares. It's like he's the positive side of a magnet and my scars are the negative. The silence is getting more and more loud. Unsure of what to do, (do I say something?), I clear my throat. He startles and lifts his head to look at me. I can't look into those amazing green eyes, I don't want to see the disgust that must be in them. 

"You should get these checked out." My natural response is to throw all my walls up, it's such a typical interfering thing to say.

"They're fine." I settle for, somewhat coldly. And only so politely because there is no hatred or disgust in his voice.

 "Are you sure? Do they hurt?" His finger lifts as if going to touch them, but he decides not to. I'm glad he doesn't, I'm not sure what my reaction would be; they're so sensitive.

"Is this what you came here to talk about, because I'm not interested. They're none of your business." I say it clearly, why can't guys take a hint?

"I'm sorry, really Reegan. I'm sorry you've had to go through this alone for so long. I want to help you." I detect no lies in his vibrant green eyes, now filled with sorrow and pity, but if I know anything, it's that you can't trust anyone. No matter how hard you try, people will always shoot you down.

"I don't need your help. I handle things just fine." Just walk away, this guy is nothing. I've known him less than a week. "Really? Harming yourself is handling things? Nearly getting killed by your own mother is handling things?" Ben's voice rises, until he's basically yelling at me.

"It's none of your god-damn business!" I yell back and get to my feet. I've had enough. I won't be some basket case for a new guy. Yanking my sleeve down, I stomp off.

"Where are you going?" He yells at my back. I clamp my mouth shut, sick of the extra drama someone knowing causes. So stupid to reveal so much to some outsider that I barely know. Fuming, I walk through gardens, not caring about the pansies I trample. I speed up as I hear footsteps running up to me. As fingers wrap around my arm, I remind myself it's just Ben. Fighting the urge to spin and punch him, I shake off his hand and carry on striding. "Just wait." I can't refrain from answering for some reason, it's just a reflex. "Why should I?" I ask. "Please, I can't let you go back to her." I snort at his belief that he gets a say in it. "I'll be fine. Just forget all about this and return to your happy life."

"You honestly think I can forget? There's no way I'll just let you go." That determined edge is in his voice again, he seems to get it a lot around me. He falls back and I think he's given up. I should be happy, relieved, he wasn't supposed to get caught up in all this. But I don't, I feel worse and the loneliness sets in, even worse after experiencing company.

"Why did you think a guardian angel sent me?" Suddenly he's right in front of me, his arms crossed and his jaw set. The question catches me off guard, and then I'm annoyed because that's what he wanted. I take a stride to the right of him, but he holds up his hand. "Answer the question and I'll step aside." Right now I'm ticked off with him, I'll do anything to get him away. And anything to get him to stay, a deep part of my subconscious whispers. I quickly quell it and sigh. "Six years ago when I was ten, my brother died from leukaemia. His name was Ben." I say it quickly and wait for him to step aside. As he promised, he moves and I resume walking.

"Look, you can stay with us for however long you want, Mum won't mind. Do you seriously want to go back there?" This conversation's going around in circles.

"Honestly? I do. At home I understand the way thing's work, what not to do. I don't want to be your pity project as you work your way up to popularity. I don't get what it is you want from me, you're driving me crazy." I think that's the longest sentence I've said to him. I turn and glare into his eyes, hoping he sees that frustration in my eyes. "You're driving me crazy too." He says and something changes in his eyes. I don't know what, and that scares me. "What?" I ask, unsure of what I mean myself.

"Ever since I've met you, I've wanted to do this." Suddenly he's closer, I lean back, my heart beating loudly from the close proximity. Then he leans forward and softly presses his lips to mine. After a second of shock, reality slams in and I jerk back. Fury burns through my entire body, I'm trembling from it.

"How dare you?" I shriek at him, wondering if this is my breaking point, if I'm finally going crazy. "It isn't bad enough to try and tell me what to do? You're so desperate for a charity case you kiss me, hoping I'll fall for you like every girl on Earth does. Wake up and smell the arrogance." I try to walk away, but he grips my wrists, looking into my eyes.

"You are not a charity case. You don't need pity, you need a friend. I'm here for you, no matter what." I can't believe him, no matter how much my heart wants to. "Friends don't usually kiss each other." I spit at him. "I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry. Just come back to the truck, please." I look around, and see a couple of people avert their eyes from us. Great. I shuffle after him to the truck, my pain setting in once again now that the adrenaline is wearing off.

"I'll come with you to your house. We'll stay as long as you need to grab stuff." I mumble a protest and slam the door shut. Despite the circumstances, I hear him chuckle and glance sideways at him, not quite as mad.

Once again it's silent in the truck. How did they end up with a faded blue truck, or ute ....whatever it is. I would've expected them to have a modern one, not too flashy but still a good make. What made them choose this vehicle? I debate internally whether to raise the question or keep up my silent treatment. All too soon, the engine cuts out at the sadly familiar drive way. The mood is tense, I can almost feel the protective waves emanating off Ben.

A/N Thanks so much for the votes so far. I hope this chapter was okay. I'll try to get chapter 12 out soon.

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