Chapter 18

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The rest of the breakfast goes much the same, everyone keeping the topic light and casual.                                                                                                                                                      "I want to see your room." I say to Ben as we place our empty bowls by the sink.                                "What for?" He asks, looking at me."I haven't seen it yet, for all I know you might have a secret barbie collection." 

He splutters, and says "What?", while I just give him a 'don't try denying it' look. Ignoring it, he denies it profusely, leading me down to hall and through the far door on the left. The walls are a couple of shades darker than a baby blue, with a navy stripe running along the middle of all four walls. It's surpisingly tidy, the bed is made up, the black and white checkered duvet sitting squarely on it. Only a couple of items are lying on the floor, everything else has been cleaned up.

"For a guy, this is rather tidy." I compliment him.

"Mum usually makes me clean it. I tidied it the night after you arrived here." He confesses, the tiniest hint of a blush colouring his cheeks. It's adorable and gives him an innocent boy look. His hair kind of flops in front of his eyes, light brown and shining in the light, as he waits for me to finish taking it all in.

"Here, come sit down." He tugs me towards the edge of the bed. He looks at me seriously, slight confusion in his eyes.

"Are you seriously okay? I mean, last night you, and now you seem even better than before." He comments, bewildered. "I'm okay about it, seriously." I'm as serious as I've ever been. I feel calm and quite stable.

"You haven't harmed yourself, have you? Please, tell me you haven't." He begs, fearing the worst.       "I was dog tired, I haven't cut in almost 2 days." I tell him, disgruntled when he undoes the bandage around my arm, checking for himself. Relief breaks over his face when he sees the scabbing-over wounds. I ask him 'what did you expect' with my eyes, but he just smiles at me. His large warm hands cup my smaller ones.  "Thank you. Listen, I know you must have conflicting emotions about this. I want you to know that I'm not leaving your side. I think it might be good for you to see a counsellor." This again? Honestly, I feel more comfortable dealing about it in my own way. Counsellors are for people that can't talk to anyone else. But I can talk to Ben and Ruth.

"I'm fine, Ben. You worry too much. I'll be okay, I promise." I snuggles under his arm, feeling it draw protectively around me like my very own safety net. And I do feel safe, like nothing could ever harm me again. We talk about everything and nothing for hours, until Ruth calls out,

"Ben! Reegan! It's the police." And then the mood turns serious again as we troop downstairs. A young police officer stands in the lounge, his hat in his hands. He's obviously more the news bringer, a rookie, that more experienced officers sent. "Please, come in and take a seat." Ruth offers and us three sit on the couch while he perches on an armchair.

"You're Reegan Alexander, the daughter of the recently deceased victim in the park?" Ruth visibly winces at his oh-so-polite phrasing of my situation. I just stare at him, hoping to get this over with quickly. "Yes, we've already given our statements and everything." I say coldly, staring at him.

"What can we do for you?" Ben asks in a fake polite voice, causing the policeman to give a little sniffle of disapproval.

"And you are?" He asks, as if he's above us and can't wait to be done all of a sudden. It sounds like at first he thought this would be the most exciting part of his career. Now, he just sounds bored and let down. "Ben Samuels, I was there when the....incident occurred."

"Well, it is my duty to inform you that we have located your father Miss Alexander, a Mr. Charlie Alexander. He's arranged all the formalities for the funeral. It's small, and quick because there is not much kin. He wishes to know if you want to read a eulogy at the funeral," He stops, obviously realizing he needs to let it all sink in. How kind of him, the sarcastic part of my mind sneers.They found my dad? The bastard that left us when the going got tough. The one that stayed for my brother, but I wasn't good enough for him. I can feel my hands shaking and clamp them together as I tell the policeman to go on.

"Um, he's currently residing in Morrisville. He's got a partner and he has a kid now, a little boy." Ben's glare is powerful enough to burn through this man's clothing. Obviously sensing something, the man's adam apple gives a little bob and he continues quickly.

"Mr. Alexander has agreed to meet with you tomorrow at your residence at eight o'clock sharp. He has a business meeting at nine and doesn't want to pull you out of school. His agreement means that for now we are not considering placing you in the foster care system." Of course he can't be bothered getting me to leave school. He's not bothered with anything concerning me.

"I'm sixteen, legally that's old enough to leave home." I point out to him.

"Yes, but only with your parents permission. Now, about the funeral." I can see Ben's preparing to threaten the guy and I feel inclined to agree, if only to shut the policeman up.

"Just burn her or chuck her in the ground somewhere. That's a no to the eulogy too." I say flippantly to him, I honestly don't care what they do with her, I can't pay for a funeral. Besides, she hardly had any family or friends. She was a b%tch and everyone knew it.

"No, no. Your father has agreed to pay for it all." I really wish he would stop calling that man my father. Fathers don't abandon their children. Ever. "It will be a rather small service. Just you and his new family on Saturday. I'm sure he'll discuss that with you when you two meet up. That's all for now, if we have any questions, we'll come knocking." Ruth picks that moment to enter with steaming mugs of tea.

"Don't you want some tea?" She asks and he pauses, looking a little too long at the tea. I almost snicker at how longing his face us. A glance at Ben's menacing stare and he turns back to the door. "I'm sorry, but I really must be off. Have a good day." He mumbles and shuffles out the door.

"Not anymore." I say as we watch him climb into his car and spin out of the driveway, almost hitting the letterbox.

A/N Not the most exciting chapter, more of a filler one. The next one will be more entertaining, promise!

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