Chapter 5

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Me and Sam exchange glances. Them he kisses my cheek and heads into the room.

Sam's Pov.
I walk into the room and look at them. They look at each other then at me. Cas walks towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Where did u meet the girl?" I look at him puzzled. "Uh... She's our neighbor..." He sighs a bit and looks out at her, then back at us. "She's not human...." My eyes widen. "What....?" Cas nods. "I don't know what she is but it's defiantly not human." Dean looks at me coldly." We need to find out what she is, and quick. Before we find out her plans to attack us or something." I shake my head. "You will not. And I mean not. Lay a hand on her." I storm from the room and take Allys hand. "Come on, let's get out of here." She gives me a confused look, then nods.

Alexandria's pov
After Sam takes me back to my house, he locks all the doors and windows. We head up to my room and he locks my room door and window. He turns the light off. "S~Sam.... What's going on....?" he looks at me."What are you?" He asks his voice cold. My stomach drops when he asks then I give him a fake puzzled look. "Huh? W~what do you mean...?" He sighs angrily. "Don't make me ask again Ally..." I sigh softly and start to strip down. I stand there only in panties. I close my eyes and start to shift. My bones crack and shift around. I whimper and cry a bit as I do. I finish shifting and open my eyes. I stand there on all fours, taller then him. I stretch out my wolfish body and shake out my long blonde fur. He stands there, looking at my with awe and.... He's scared.... I inch towards him, wagging my tail lightly and whimpering. I lean forth and nuzzle his hand. I feel him respond and he pets me softly. "Wow...." he whispers, "Your so.... Beautiful." I then hear the breaking down of a door and I let out a growl. "Stay here." Sam orders as he pulls a gun from his belt and moves towards the door. I shake my head and run infront of him. I break down my door and walk down the stairs. I spot Dean and I stalk towards him, growling lowly. He sees me and pulls out his gun. "Good... Doggy..." I snarl at him. He cocks his gun as Sam runs down the stairs. "Dean!! Ally!! Stop!!" I look at him then Dean. He realises the wolf is me and shoots many times. In a matter of second my eyes glow blue and a blue aura flows from me. I let out another snarl and the bullets stop in mid air and clink as they fall to the ground. Dean and Sam both look at me with wide eyes. Cas suddenly appears. "Sam. Dean. Drop the guns." he says to them and they do so. "She's an angelic wolf guardian. Do not harm her." They all three look at me. I close my eyes and shift back. I look at them, as I stand there completely naked. "Did you really think I planned to attack u?" I ask in a stern, cold voice. Dean stands there speechless, staring at my body. I roll my eyes and let out a loud snarl, his attention immediately directs to my face. He gulps, "I uh.... What was the question?" I growl lowly. "Just forget it and get the hell out of my house. Castiel. You stay." I tell them then head upstairs.

Sam's Pov
We All three look at each other. "Damn... She may be dangerous but geez is she hot..." Dean states. I glare at him. "She's mine." I walk out of her house and Dean follows a while later. I go into my room wondering.... Why the hell did she make Cas stay?

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