2: Blondie and Freckles

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Quote: Everything's going to change

My heart drops. I'm... Broken? I shouldn't believe this man I met on the street but, what does he mean by Broken.
"I... Did you just call me Broken?" I say tersely.
"Yes, because you are," he pauses, "And I can prove it to you."
"How?" I demand
"Have you ever lost someone. Someone you loved, whom was important to you?"
He says the words so calmly, they hit me harder. A hot feeling licks my chest, as if fire was burning it. I take a deep breath and try to reply as calmly as I can.
"Yes, I did. My dad." I gasp.
"See? You are Broken. You are different." He replies softly.
"So what does that mean exactly... Being Broken?" I ask, starting to calm down.
"It means you are sad about something... That's why you can see things that others can't. It allows you to think differently."
Before I can reply, to think this through, I hear a loud thump, then a bang.
"We've gotta hide, quick!"
I look around the room; there's not many places you can hide in a train. So I crawl under one of the seats, Tay right behind me.

We lay there for about ten minutes, and that part of my life, is where everything changes. Someone knocks the door down. Then, the train stops. Two men walk in, I can tell by their loud and heavy steps. One stops abruptly, then, all the lights turn off.
"If anyone's in here," the man has a scratchy voice, "show yourselves now! Then your chances of being shot might be lower."
I hear a click; his bullet clicking into its chamber. The lights flicker back on, and I see a pair of feet standing in front of me. The man kneels down and looks at me right in the eyes, and his mouth curls into a sneer.
"Ooh! I found two little girls over here." The man says in a childish voice.
The man pulls me to my feet. I glare at both men, one has pale blonde hair and the other, with the gun, has freckles. The only thing that's similar about them is that they both don't look very nice. Blondie yanks Tay to her feet and begins his search for anybody else. While Freckles keeps his gun aimed at us.
"So," Freckles says, "its gonna be nice and simple; you tell me if your Broken or not, then we'll check you to see if your lying."
"What if we aren't Broken?" I try to say evenly.
"If you aren't, we'll take you with us... Unless your weak, than we'll let you go with out a bullet in your head. And if you are Broken... I think you can guess what will happen." He says with a smirk.
Blondie finds the man, that talked to us earlier about being Broken, and puts him beside us.
"Like I said earlier, would you like the easy way or the hard way?" Freckles says.
Blondie walks over and points at me, "You first! Now, are you Broken?"
"No, I'm not Broken." I reply firmly.
Blondie smiles evilly as he pulls out a strange looking device. It's an arched blue bar with with five silver circles sticking out at the end. He holds it near my head, for about ten seconds. Then when it's done, it makes a small beeping sound. Blondie reads the screen that is attached to the device. He shows it to Freckles, their faces curling in to grins.
"Looks like your a liar," Freckles tightens his grip on his gun.
Blondie shows us the screen. The screen is fills with numbers, dots and lines that I don't understand, but on the bottom it says, Broken.

That's it, It's over. This morning I never would have thought I would be in this situation, that I would be bracing myself to die.
Freckles makes sure that the bullet is in its chamber. He points the gun at me, tightening his grip. That's when it all happens at once. The man that helped us earlier tries to move the gun so the bullet won't hit me, and Freckles fires, twice. A sudden pain starts in my thigh and shoulder. A scream stops in my throat as I tumble to the ground. My vision blurs and colours dance at the edges of my eyes.

I'm falling, trying to reach for safety. But instead, unconsciousness catches me and wraps its arms around me.

That last part was so fun to write! I really hope your enjoying this so far. And again; if you have any suggestions, please tell me!
Thanks for reading

-Tara <3

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