1: Subway Station

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Quote: Life is tough, but so are you.

I open my eyes as reality spills over me. I find myself sitting in a dull blue chair, my feet barely touch the ground. In front of me is a wooden desk, gum and writing underneath. On this desk lays a blank piece of paper with a pencil, my fingers taping the desk lightly. I almost forget where I am when I notice that someone was talking,
"So each of you are to choose one of these people. Then you'll make a presentation on it to present to the class-"
Great. That's all I need; a presentation in front of thirty two people.
"-hopefully you were all taking notes, like Miss Evans."
My face feels hot. Thanks to my history teacher. But thankfully, the bell rings. I collect my books and binders and rush out the door before the teacher can critique on my daydreaming.

"Well done, Jo!" Someone slaps me on the back from behind. I turn to see my friend, Tay.
"Yeah, whatever." I scratch the back of my head.
We wait at the subway station together. Everyday after school is the same; take the subway home, ditch homework and either read, write or check social media.
While we wait, I look through my pictures that I took on my phone. I stare at one of my many selfies with Tay. I have warm brown eyes, freckles that appear on my upper cheeks, then over my nose. My dark hair falls past my shoulders. Something me and Tay don't have in common; is that I have piercings and tattoos. I have one stud on my nose, and many crawling down my ears. I have two tattoos; a dark butterfly on the back of my shoulder and three small stars behind my ear. I am rather small for a sixteen year old; my height, face, hands and feet.
Tay is different. Her dirty blonde hair is cut just past her jaw line. She has striking hazel eyes, and like me, has a narrow face. Although her height is average for her age, so I make her look taller than her height.
"Guess what I'm thinking?" Tay asks me as we hear the subway coming close.
"Something rebellious?" I grin.
"Let's run on the train last minute; so the doors close behind us." She says as she guides me away from the train.
We wait until the doors start to close; it's time to run. I suck a mouthful of air, then run. As I'm running I take a glance back. In those seconds, I see Taylor stumble over someone shoe. I keep running. I slip into the subway, and find Taylor; she's not gonna make it. Her voice pops in my head, always stick together. I jump out, onto the platform, just as the doors are about to close. Tay catches me, so I don't land on my face instead.

We wander around the subway station, waiting for another train going in the direction we want to go. And that's when I realized that I dropped my phone on the train I jumped on. Great, and Tay doesn't have a phone.
"Why didn't you stay on the train, and leave me behind?" Tay wonders.
"Remember what you said? Always stick together." I smile.
For what seems like an hour, we find no other trains. Until, we see a flashing light.
"What's that?" I say.
Suddenly a silver train appears, heading towards our direction. This train is somewhat cleaner than the others.
"Whoa! Check it out!" I exclaim to Tay.
"Check what out? What is it that you see?" Tay seems so confused.
"Don't you see that silver train in front of us? It's so clean!" I point towards it.
Then, a middle aged man walks out. He has torn clothing and walks with a bit of a limp.
"She can't see it." Says the man.
"What? Why not?" I scratch my head.
"She's not one of us. Now come on, we don't have much time!"
"What the hell is wrong with you, Jo? All of a sudden you're talking to yourself!" Tay shakes me.
I sigh. Why can't she see this? What does the man mean by one of us? Frustrated, I have an idea, but it's gonna be hard. I grab Tay and start pulling her onto the train.
"Let go of me! Snap out of it Jo! You're gonna kill me! Jordyn!" She shrieks as she slaps me.
Luckily, I'm stronger than her. I grunt as I pull her closer to the train. Once we finally get on, doors closing behind us, I let go of her, letting her drop to the floor. Tay squeezes her legs to her stomach, burying her face into them. I crouch next to her, rubbing her shoulder.
"It's okay." I say softly.
She looks up, slowly. Her eyes aren't puffy, or glassy, like I expected them to be. Instead, she scans interior of the train.
"Why couldn't I see it, the train? And now I do!?" Tay spits.
I glance over to the middle aged man, curiosity pouring over me..
"Long story short; your friend with tattoos and piercings, is Broken."

Thank you so much for reading this first part! I have to admit; this part was kinda boring, but I have so many ideas for what will happen later. If you have any suggestions or things I can improve, please let me know! I can't make any promises on updating daily, but I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks again!

-Tara <3

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