10: Is This Real?

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Jordyn lies on the ground, pale faced.

Wait, that not right, I'm Jordyn. But I continue to watch.

Taylor's eyes are bloodshot, mascara stains drizzling down her face, and messy hair. Aidan holds Jordyn in his arms, tears leaking from his eyes too.

Wait, Aidan? Why is he holding me? Gross.

I move closer to realize that Jordyn is dead, blood leaking from her ear and the corner if her mouth.

Dead? I'm not dead; I'm stand right here.

I even see Andy and Toby, there eyes filled with sadness and... Regret.

What do they regret? Did they kill this Jordyn? Is this an alternate reality? Or is this...

I just did that. I just confused you. I just know it. Comment what you think!

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