Chapter 91

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Beth's cell phone rings. She nods to Tom to turn the car radio down.

They've been driving for hours with no real destination. Just waiting for Jane to call. And listening to the radio. Tom pulled rank to listen to a swap meet. Said it was like hearing the real Mayberry.

A voice starts speaking as soon as Beth picks up. Monotone. No hint of gender or race. It's Jane. But she's more robotic than before. Almost like a recording.

"I detected the envelope opened," Jane says.

Beth puts the call on speaker. Motions for Tom to pull the car over.

"Understood. What does that mean for us?" Beth says.

"In 10 seconds I'll transfer this call to Gus's home phone. It's trying to call you now," Jane says. "It might mean Red is staying put. It might mean Red saw the contents, doesn't care and is headed out to find Wil anyway. In either case, get Gus to meet you."

"What should we do if we meet Red?" Beth says.

"Kill him," Jane says.

Tom tries to get a word in but can't. Jane ends the call.

The phone rings again. It's a Betrug landline. Beth answers.

"Yeah, Gus here," Gus says. His wet breathing is steady as a waterbed. "Listen, I had to open the envelope."

Tom gives Beth a look. They're both thinking the same thing.

"That's OK. That's why we gave it to you," Beth says. Keeps her tone friendly. No sign of suspicion in her voice. "And how did it go?"

" sure scared Red into doing the right thing. He says he's not going anywhere. don't give that photo to the newspaper," Gus says.

"So long as he stays put, that won't happen. You can tell Red that," Beth says. "Do you want to meet up again?"

"Yeah, yeah, exactly. Let's meet," Gus says.

"Where and when should we meet? It's up to you," Beth says.

There's a pause. Like Gus puts his hand over the phone and talks with someone else. It's not a tight grip, though. Beth can hear two distinct voices talking in murmurs.

"Let's meet tonight at 8. How about the park in Betrug? Where they had the pumpkin festival," Gus says.

"Sounds good. We'll see you there," Beth says. Ends the call.

Beth's tone changes back to its normal stoicism.

"Red knows what's up," she says.

"Meet at a park to keep it public. Do it at night to make it private. The best of both worlds. I expect Red will come armed," Tom says. Pulls the car back onto the road. "Do we call Jane?"

"No. I'm sure she's been listening," Beth says.

"We've been sitting with our thumbs up our asses waiting on Jane to deliver her end of the deal. We need to know more about Wil's location and everything else she promised. Better happen after tonight. Tired of being her lap dog," Tom says.

"Don't forget about that paperwork we're supposed to get him to sign, too," Beth says.

"About that. Did you open the envelope it came in? Do we know what's in it?" Tom says.

"Not yet. We're supposed to wait for instructions. Looks like Jane knows when the envelopes are opened," Beth says.

"Fuck Jane. Once we get Wil we're done," Tom says.

He turns the radio on. The ag report delivers the latest pork belly prices.

Beth flicks it back off.

"After all this, you're ready to blow her off?" Beth says. "You didn't feel that way before. We need to trust the Bureau. They gave this the green light."

Tom pulls the car onto the road. Passes a tractor driving slower than wheat growing.

"Trust the Bureau, sure. But how do you know we can trust her? I've been doing this for years. I've never come across anything like Jane. Know why? Hackers weren't around 25 years ago. That's probably what this is about. We'll wind up with egg all over our faces," Tom says.

"Fine. We'll call the Bureau again," Beth says. Dials a number on her cell phone. The phone loses reception as soon as she presses Call. She doesn't look surprised. Jane's in control.

"It's probably your shit government phone. Use mine. It's a slightly different shit government phone," Tom says. Passes his cell phone to Beth. She tries the same numbers.

"Same thing," Beth says.

Tom pulls the car over. Tries the numbers for himself on both phones. Same result.

"How do we know this isn't just crappy reception? We're basically on the moon as far as cell towers are concerned," Tom says.

Beth takes her phone back. Dials their motel in Betrug. It connects.

"We can only call the places Jane wants us to call," Beth says after hanging up. "She's in charge."

"Funny. I thought the Bureau was in charge," Tom says. "Can we only go where Jane wants, too? What would happen if we skipped that meeting?"

"I don't know. I don't want to find out," Beth says. "I think Jane's on a different level."

Tom pulls the car back onto the road. Passes a sign for Betrug. It's five miles ahead.

"We always have the choice. It's not like there's some invisible hand pulling the strings that's going to reach out and slap me," Tom says.

Beth thinks she might show him a visible one. His humor grows more taxing each day.

"You're not seriously thinking of skipping the meeting, are you?" she says.

"What's the worst that could happen? I'm calling Jane's bluff. Fuck her. You go. I'll stay at the motel. Get packed. We're leaving. Getting back on the trail instead of getting punked by some hacker. I'm not holding my breath for Jane to deliver," Tom says.

Five miles later, Tom parks the car at the motel. Tosses the keys to Beth.

"I'm taking a nap. Get me a sandwich from the gas station, will you?" he says in a tone to remind Beth he's the veteran of the pair.

"Don't hold your breath," Beth says under hers.


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