Chapter 65

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I search the rest of the RV. Nothing. No Lou. Not many places to hide anyway.

Sam double-checks the bedroom. Just that unconscious woman.

That's when we hear something outside. Sounds like a thwap.

Les's cane.

We hurry outside. Sure enough. Les has Lou on the ground. Issues a terrible beating with that cane.

Glad I'm not underneath it. Lou isn't going anywhere. Not now. Not for a long time.

Les doesn't let up. Just keeps bringing the cane down again and again.

There's a line in the sand with me. It's when the guy either stops fighting back or grasps the point being made.

There's no sand on Les's prairie. The only line is Les's cane.

We slip back inside the RV. Mill around for the dope. Nothing.

Les calls for us once he's finished.

"Good thing I was watching you two work," Les says. Wipes sweat from his forehead. Blood from his cane. "Fucker nearly got away. Not that he'd get far in this cold."

I toss a blanket from the RV over Lou. Not that I feel bad for him. But he's alive. And it's cold. Anyone raised on the prairie would understand.

Sam only offers a final kick in the side. Doubt Lou even feels it.

She gives me a puzzled look. Points to the blanket. I think how she's not from North Dakota, but I don't mention it.

"Can't learn your lesson if you're dead," I say.

I spit on Lou for good measure. Won't hurt him or me.

Les wipes his cane clean. Points it at the RV. "You find any dope?"

"Nope. Nothing," Sam says.

"Damn. How about money?" Les says.

Sam shakes her head. "No money. But we did find something else. A woman. Handcuffed to the bed."

"No shit, huh? I'll have my guys figure out where to send her. Same with Lou. Don't want either of them in the camp," Les says. Rubs his jaw. "So Lou was running pussy at the oil rig, too? Don't make much sense."

"How you figure?" I say.

"Guys are too busy on the rig. Not even for a quick fuck. It's dirty there, too. Muddy. Filthy. Smart whoring doesn't fit with that, not in my experience. But Lou wasn't so bright anyway," Les says. Thinks for a minute. "Way I see it, his business is now my business. Right?"

I agree. Not much room for any other argument.

"I know the rig Lou's been servicing. Would make sense if you two filled in. Get a feel for the market there. There could be a lot of money in it for you," Les says.

I'm not liking where this is headed. I can tell Sam isn't either.

"I'll run dope. But I didn't sign up to be a prostitute," Sam says.

Les cracks knuckles against the cane.

"And miss out on such an outstanding business opportunity? You'd have to be stupid. Wil will work dope. Sam, you'll work on your back," Les says. Points the cane at each of our faces. "You bring me the money, I give you your cut. It's that simple."

Sam takes a step backward. Looks down at Lou.

"You're kidding, right? No way I'm going to do that," she says.

"Yes, you will," Les says.

I interrupt. Fight the urge to pluck an eyelash. And to beat Les with his own cane.

"We'll pick up trash. We'll lay down your laws. But this isn't what we had in mind," I say.

"Living in my Man Camp isn't what you had in mind, either. But here you are," he says. Taps his cane on the ground. "It's like I always say. You can have either money or morals. But you can't have both. Especially not on the Bakken."

He looks Sam up and down.

"Tell you what. You two go out there a few times. Sam, you may not even have to get plugged by a worker for all I know. I just want a bead on the revenue potential. Then I'll find some replacements. Deal?" Les says. Extends a hand to Sam.

My eyes dart to hers. She raises the one Les hit with the cane back in the park.

I wonder why she's not putting up more of a fight. Then I remember the pills. The oxycodone. She never gave them to Les. Maybe she's planning on sedating herself? Or maybe we won't let the workers know she's there?

"Deal," Sam says. They shake.

Too late to go over it now.

"Good. I'll have someone bring you the dope and directions to the rig. Use Lou's RV, not yours. Be there before sunrise. Tell them you're filling in for Lou. Everyone's so short on manpower they won't question it," Les says.

I stick my hand out. Wait for a shake that never comes.

"We going to shake on this, too?" I say to Les. He starts wheeling off.

"Handshakes are for hard deals. You're going to work on a rig. You've got it easy," Les says. Picks up his pace.

I catch up to him. "What do you mean? I thought I was just running dope?"

"What did you think? Lou set up a meth lemonade stand? He worked on the rig. Pushed dope on the side," Les says. "Be sure to count your fingers and toes tonight. Then you'll know how many you lost tomorrow."


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