Chapter 93

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Tom keeps his word about skipping the meeting. Tells Beth as much after she returns to the motel.

"You couldn't find the time to pick up a sandwich?" he says to Beth from the bed. Stretched out. Socks off.

The digital clock on the nightstand reads 7:49 p.m. Eleven minutes to the meeting.

"I was clearing the park. Marking the blind spots. So, no, I didn't have time to feed you," Beth says.

Beth loads another magazine full with cartridges. Slips it into the mag pouch next to the Glock 23 holstered on her belt.

The belt holds her loose dress shirt in place. The shirt hides the ballistics vest underneath. But she doesn't hide her disbelief at Tom.

"You can't even give me support for this? Cover the blind spots?" Beth says. "That's enough to get you terminated."

"So is willingly giving some hacker the time of day," Tom says. Finds the TV remote control. Flips on the ag report. "This really is funny stuff. Just look at how these people are dressed."

Beth does a final check of her gear. Pats herself from head to toe.

"If I'm not back by 9, could you find it within yourself to check on me?" Beth says.

Tom laughs. "When you're back at 8:05, could you find it within yourself to pick up supper?" he says.

"Don't hold your breath," Beth says.


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