Unruly Children and Oblivious People

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I have been gone??? Since September? What??? I looked at my story and realized when it was updated and I just... after the new semester started the time has just flown by, I don't even know. But I am back! And with three pages to halfway make up for it. I want to apaologize to Tao in advance because he really didn't deserve that. 


Tao hated kids. Not in the way where he mocked them until he saw one and thought 'cute'. No, Tao absolutely despised children with a burning passion.

"Lee Jihoon!" he shrieked. "Stop pulling my ear and take your medicine!"

The short boy with dyed pink hair - probably allowed by his parents since he was stuck in the hospital for so long - let out an ear-piercing scream and ran off to the other side of the room.

"You can't catch me!" he laughed and crawled under his bed as Tao climbed over it. He threw a pillow at Tao's face and broke out in hysterical laughter, making the older want to strangle him. He scrambled over the bed in a hopeless attempt to catch the kid's leg, but was peppered by peanuts from a bowl on Jihoon's nightstand instead.

"Lee Jihoooon!" he roared as the peanut-attack stopped and the dinner for that particular day - several side dishes including mackerel and kimchi - landed on his face instead.

Oh, how Tao hated kids.

When Tao finally caught Jihoon and forced the kid to take his medicine, he was so tired he thought he was going to die. He wasn't even supposed to be doing this. How the head nurse could take a high school student for being a nurse was beyond him. He had managed to talk his way out of having to give grandma Choi her insulin - through a syringe mind him, but it didn't mean he was prepared for anything else.

Just as he left Jihoon's room (the kid loved calling the nurses to his room, so since Tao was the newbie, he knew he'd have to go back there soon), the head nurse turned up.

"You're done with Jihoon? Great!" she exclaimed upon seeing him. "Kwon Soonyoung from room 274 has experienced pains in his chest even after surgery - can you go check his blood pressure and lungs? Watch out though: he's even wilder than Lee Jihoon,"

Tao tried to oppose her and wriggle his ways out of it, but as soon as she had come, she left.

He dropped to his knees, all colour draining from his face. "NO!" he exclaimed in despair.

"Shut up Tao!" Lee Jihoon shouted from inside the room. Tao hated children.

Ji-Min P.O.V

It is dark. Very dark. There's this kind of pain in my chest I can't place and my body doesn't want to work. What is happening? There's sounds. A bang at first, and then a shrieking sound. Like sirens, but not really. Or am I just dreaming? Then it goes black.

I realized I was dreaming when Luhan turned nice. I think I was telling him a secret and he never told anyone. In my dream I was happy, because I think I told him something about Sehun. I don't know what, though.

Then everything turned lighter and lighter and I could hear faint voices from nowhere, and suddenly all I could see was the back of my eyelids. The voices from my dreams continued talking and I realized they belonged to the people around me. I don't think they realized I was awake though, because there was no reaction.

"I'll leave you to tend to her, okay?" a voice said, and someone walked out. Was it Jin? It did sound like him, but I couldn't be sure.

"That's an unusual one," another one commented.

You, me, and that guy [EXO Sehun-fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now