Morphsuits and forgotten competitions

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A/N: I'm finally back! I'm sorry it has taken so long. I've been so busy and I am currently in the middle of all my exams... They count 45% of my grade and these grades will decide my future to say it like that, so I'm quite stressed. Also my teachers hate me.  Sorry to rant and taking it all out on you. I'm so happy you've continued to follow this story! Thank you so much!


Ji-Min P.O.V

I woke up to someone muttering about polar bears and German sausages. That was the second time I woke up in a place I obviously didn’t belong, and that fact alone concerned me. I was not confident in this sleeping-pattern at all. Though, this time I woke up comfortably. I was curled up on something soft that moved slightly, but it was comfortable and warm. Was this some kind of super-chair? It fit perfectly, and even though it had a highly unusual form it was great. Though… It moved. Even if ever so slightly, it moved. The place my head rested rose and fell slowly, and I was pretty sure I could hear a low sound much like…

I opened my eyes, looking up at the one I was sleeping on. Oh Sehun. Typical. Great. Of all people, I just HAD to sleep on Oh Sehun once again. I quickly scrambled to my feet, straightening my messed up uniform. It was warm even though the blanket had fallen off me, so we weren’t outside, at least. Then I realized that I was standing in between a lot of people scattered on the ground. Some wore uniforms, some wore normal clothes or pajamas, and…

“CHEN, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!” I screamed, waking the morph suit-clad boy up. Everyone quickly woke up, and used a couple of seconds to realize where they were.

“Oh…” Chen muttered sleepily. “Yeah, ‘bout that… We didn’t care to wake you up and were too lazy to get home ourselves.” He explained.

I had to close my eyes and breathe deeply not to throw him down from the roof. “Didn’t care?” I asked, deadly calm.

Chen, as the person he was, didn’t recognize the dangerous tone in my voice, but Kyungsoo did. He sat up from his place beside Kai, smiling ever so slightly.

“I mean, he means… we mean, we didn’t want to wake you up! You know, disturbing sleeping patterns and all that!

I hoped for god’s sake that the others in the class appreciated the fact that Kyungsoo owned a little bit brain, in comparison to the rest of them. I breathed in deeply, trying to convince myself that reprimanding them wouldn’t help. But it didn’t erase the fact that they had decided it was unnecessary to wake me up, because even though Sehun was a very good bed my own was still the best.

Seconds after, Sehun stretched and yawned. “What?” he asked sleepily, completely confused.

“Our dear classmates decided to have a sleepover on the rooftop,” I informed him, ice-cold.

Sehun just groaned. “Again?” he sighed. I raised an eyebrow and posed an invisible question to why it would happen again, but no one answered me.

“Hey, what’s the time?” Kris asked from his corner. Chanyeol rummaged his pockets for his phone, and got it out in the end.

“Fifteen past eight,” he informed everyone else. But as soon as the words left his mouth, he widened his eyes. A second after everyone did the same, realizing what time it was.

“It’s fifteen minutes until class start!” Kai shouted, getting up in the speed of light. “First to get down the classroom wins!” he shouted and dashed down. The others were quick to follow, and even Kris decided it was time to get his ass moving. Oh, if I only knew the disasters that were coming our way.

Sehun P.O.V

After getting the necessary books from our lockers, we ran into the classroom just before Mr. Song arrived. Both mine and Ji-Min’s bags were still here as we had technically never left, but the others were another problem.

“Kim Jongdae?” Mr. Song called out, and Chen who was currently taking a nap on his desk, sat up.

“I’ve told you to call me Chen, sir,” he grinned sleepily.

Chen,” Mr. Song raised an eyebrow. “Why are you wearing a neon green morph suit?”

Chen sat up in his chair, a wide grin spreading on his face. “It’s a really interesting story, actually,” he said, a mischievous look in his eyes. “Are you sure you wanna know?”

But the teacher just nodded as he ignored the people in pajamas and normal clothes, because a certain green person hit the jackpot in fashion-choice.

“Well,” Chen began. “I as actually going to sabotage the news reporter when they did the weather-forecast, so late last night I was on my way to join together with their green-screen. But well… I never got that far because Superman called and told me I had to save two of my precious class-mates,”

From behind him, Baekhyun cooed a “I’m your superman?” but everyone ignored it as Mr. Song spoke again.

“And that’s why you aren’t wearing your uniform? Because you had to save your classmates?”

I was sitting by my own desk listening to Chen and Mr. Song, but all I really wanted to do was go home. It was weird how things changed after Ji-Min came.

Thinking of Ji-Min, I looked over at her. Her hair fell in front of her face, and even though we had been at school or more that a day she didn’t look like it. How did she manage to do that? As I studied her, I felt an unfamiliar feeling just below my ribcage, and my ears felt warm. Shaking the weird feeling off, I shrugged and turned to the teacher again. He had ended his discussion with Chen, and now sighed before he turned to us.

“Now, how is the swimming going?” he asked curiously. It was supposed to be the students competing against each other, but the teachers were just as fired up as the rest of us. Mr. Song hated losing, so when he had lost in basketball last year he’d been pouting for a week, giving us twice the homework. We usually had. I really didn’t want that to happen once again, and I wasn’t lying when I said I did try to get better. My body just didn’t want to listen.

At the question everyone turned to Ji-Min, who had been trying to keep her eyes open, still sleepy. Feeling everyone’s gaze on her she looked up, realizing she was the one supposed to speak.

“What? Oh, it’s… better than before. Baekhyun isn’t drowning halfway, so it’s quite the improvement. Though the fastest of our three teams were Xiumin, Chen, Kris and Luhan. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun and Tao are behind with two seconds. We’re not that bad, at least. The one who have improved the most is Sehun, I think.” She summed it all up. As she mentioned my name a grin spread on my face, and everyone looked at me and gave me thumbs up. Hell yeah I had.

From beside Baekhyun, Lay furred his eyebrows. “But,” he asked confused. “Why are you asking us this?” I had to say I agreed with him. Mr. Song never asked us, because he wanted to be surprised when the day came.

“Well,” Mr. Song replied. “I needed to know if Ji-Min’s coaching was going all right. You can be a little bit… distracted. And the sports competition is tomorrow as well, so you need to prepare.”

At the last sentence, everyone almost fell out of their chairs. “WHAT?!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

Shit. We had forgotten, everyone of us.

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