Sports-competitions and Swimming

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Ji-Min P.O.V

As soon as the teacher let the words slip out of his mouth, the whole class groaned.

I didn't really understand what the 34th annual sports-competition was though, as I transferred here last week and thus knew virtually nothing about everything. In my other schools we would have tournaments now and then, but this sounded different from what I was used to.

"So," Mr Song continued, even though it was obvious this was something the whole class collectively agreed was horrible. "This year we won't have basketball like last year -" he didn't come further than that, because someone in the back fell out of their chair and interrupted him.

"What?" Kris exclaimed, grabbing his desk to pull himself up in a sitting position. He'd balanced the chair on two legs all right, but he did a good job to actually tip it back and fall. "But then we'll lose!"

Chanyeol looked at Kris with the face of a person that had given up already. "Kris. We'll lose anyways and you know that."

Tao rose from his chair. "Please say they included Wushu this year!" he explained.

Mr Song shook his head at Tao, ignoring Kris. "No martial arts, as the school wants to avoid unnecessary injuries from people using matrial arts they are not properly trained for. Tao, you know this, how many times do I have to tell you?" It was obvious that the martial arts-questions had been up quite a few times already. Tao sighed and fell back into his chair, pouting and muttering something about weak students and stupid school.

"Soccer, then!" Luhan suggested in an energetic tone. The class muttered agreeing, as this seemingly was an option that they would do well, and Mr Song had to use a minute to get the class to become silent.

"Soccer has been up to question, but fell through. Now, you know I can't change this, it's already been chosen by the student council!" he sighed, all his excitement gone.

"Fell through? How can soccer possibly fall through! It's the best sport in the world!" Luhan exclaimed upset. I wondered if he had a very deep bonding to soccer. Personally, I couldn't care less. Then he turned to Suho.

"Wait, you're in the student council! Aren't you like, the vice president or something? Weren't you choosing this?" he asked.

Suho shook his head. "I'm not in the sports-committee. However, I tried to urge them to include something like dancing or basketball, but this did not come up in the final discussion. Most of the comittee agreed soccer was boring. Half the school thinks so, actually." 

Suho's reply was obviously not satisfactory to Luhan, but he didn't argue about it and instead crossed his arms and just looked generally annoyed with the situation.

"Oh!" Lay exclaimed. "Dancing! We could win that one!" the class agreed to this as well, but Mr Song, once again, had to shush on them. It seemed like the class was very passionate about dancing, something that seemed kind of odd to me. Based on what I had come to learn the past week, their interest in dance as came as a surprise as they didn't strike me as the type.

"Now, do you want to hear what was actually picked?" mr Song asked in an exasperated tone. He seemed a little bit irritated over the class' restlessness, but I couldn't really blame him. If people kept on interrupting me I'd be really mad too.

The whole class fell silent on it own, without being urged this time. It was obvious that whatever sports were coming up, was a matter of life and death to them.

"Handball, baseball and swimming," Mr Song read from a little piece of paper in his right hand.

It didn't even go half a second before the class groaned again, even louder than when the sports-competition was announced.

Sehun P.O.V

Handball, swimming and baseball? Who did the sports committee think we were?! I'd never played any of those once in in my life!

"Swimming!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "What makes them think I can swim?!"

"And what is even handball?" Chen asked, rising from his chair.

I couldn't agree more. "I have no idea how baseball works!" I muttered loudly. "What is the student-council even doing?"

This complaining went on for a while, and Mr Song gave up on trying to keep us silent. I kind of felt sorry for him, but this was big business. The Sports-competition was the thing at our school. This gave the classes an opportunity to show off even if the weren't that good academically, which meant that we had to compete on the same level as everybody else. Normally, we would get so skip school-tournaments, which fit us perfectly because they were a hassle to join. But our attendance was obligatory on this one, and I hated it, as we usually lost as well. We had almost won with basketball last year though, but lost in the quarterfinals. It was honestly Kris that got us that far, but I couldn't say we were that bad ourselves. Well, it kind of ended with Chen grabbing the foot of one of the players on the opposing team, and Xiumin keep shouting at him, telling Chen to bite the opponent he'd gotten hold of. Who would have thought one would get disqualified for such small things?

Suddenly, in the entire ruckus, Ji-Min started muttering for herself, and I turned around to her. "Did you say something?" I asked curiously. She looked like she was thinking hard. The others saw what was going on, and fell silent, to the relief of Mr Song.

"No, I just..." she muttered, not completing her sentence. But then it looked like she changed her mind. "What if they deliberately chose those sports, because they knew you were incompetent in them?" she asked. No one said anything for a couple of seconds, but then Chanyeol stood up. "What? Deliberately? How DARE they? I'm going to -" he exclaimed upset, starting to move toward the door, probably to 'visit' the student council, before Kai stopped him.

"Hey, let's just win in one of those sports," he suggested.

Chen looked at him like he couldn't believe Kai was actually suggesting this. "I don't know if you forgot, but we're all completely oblivious to everything called baseball, swimming or handball,"

"Well," someone said behind me, "I did swim for quite a while before I stopped," Ji-Min!

"You can swim?" Xiumin asked excitedly. "Then you can teach us!"

She shook her head. "I'm no teacher, you'll probably just get worse than you already are. Why don't you hire someone professional to train you?" she asked.

Kyungsoo sighed, with traces of a pout on his face. "We tried last year. Something about it being against the rules, or whatever," he didn't really seem too happy himself.

"Pleeeeeease," Tao, who sat beside Ji-Min, grabbed her hand. "Train us! We don't need to win, we just need to like, not get last place!" he pleaded.

Ji-Min sat still for a couple of seconds, thinking. Then she sighed. "Just don't expect too much." The whole class cheered. At least we wouldn't get last place, which was relieving.

Ji-Min herself however, didn't seem that sure. I wondered what was wrong. Maybe this just wasn't her thing. If I had to be the coach for this class, I would be quite worried myself, to be honest. But I guess it would be okay. If anything, we would at least be kind of good. I couldn't imagine the other classes being to great themselves, and as all of the classes had to be spread evenly on the three sports, we would have enough competitors, which probably had put swimming as their least favourite sport. And after all, we had Ji-Min. Then it would be okay. Or would it?

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