Pajamas and sleepovers

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I feel so bad for not posting for so long! One would think the teachers would go easy on us as we're up to our final exams soon, but no such thing... Thank you for reading this, though! I am incredibly happy that you have followed it for this long... I promise it'll happen something soon!


When Luhan revealed the news to Baekhyun, the other end of the line became silent for a while. Then one word, pretty much summing up the whole situation, was uttered. “Shit.”

“Well,” Luhan commented. “That’s one way to look at it.” He was still giving remarks, but inside he actually felt bad. Luhan never felt bad for anything. But then again, maybe he should feel bad for forgetting his best friend on the roof in cold February. Yes, probably.

Baekhyun sighed, and Luhan could hear him panicking. “I’ll call up the others. Meet up in front of the school in ten minutes.”

“What? But it’s late!”

“And if it gets any later your friends are going to freeze to death. Now, get you ass moving!” Baekhyun hung up without as much as a goodbye, leaving a rather surprised Luhan listening to the summing-tone signalizing the dead line. But he was right. They should probably go and save Ji-Min and Sehun. He did not want to face Sehun’s mother’s wrath after killing her son.


Ten minutes later, everyone were standing in front of the school, either upset, confused or angry. Half of them were in their pajama, a quarter of them were wearing normal clothes, two in their uniforms and Chen wore a … neon-green morph suit. No one even questioned that one.

“I can’t believe you forgot them!” Chen was laughing hysterically as they locked themselves into the school building. Ji-Min wouldn’t say who or how, but she obviously had some connections with the leaders of the school, because she had obtained a master key they could use to open the swimming pool. However, Luhan knew she hid the key after use (under the flower pot outside the entrance; seriously), and he quickly managed to open the doors. Now, they just had to find their forgotten classmates.

“You forgot them as well, dumbass!” Tao rolled his eyes, munching on some bread he’d brought from home. He had been busy eating his usual night-snack when Baekhyun had called him.

“Details, details,” Chen shrugged and jump-walked though the empty halls.

“Some detail,” Kyungsoo muttered, sighing. He was wearing his pajama under a jacket, and sent malicious glares to everyone who looked like they were about to comment it. No one was going to bash his precious Pororo-pajama.

Breathing heavily after having walked/run up the stairs (they were still waiting for the goddamn elevator which didn’t seem to ever appear), they all collapsed in front of the door to the roof. Chen leant against the door, trying to compose himself, but ended up collapsing instead.

“You know,” he exclaimed. “THIS is the reason I don’t run. I hate running.”

Xiumin shook his head. “Just think of the treatment Sehun got when Ji-Min gave him extra lessons.” He really felt with the poor guy, that couldn’t have been easy.

Lay nodded, agreeing with Xiumin. “She’s so nice. But when it comes to training, she’s malicious.”

“HEY!” Kyungsoo suddenly snapped his fingers. “Are we going to rescue them or talk? Because then, we could have walked up instead.”

And they all scrambled to their feet, flocking around Luhan who was currently the master key-holder. He slowly walked up to the door, before he unlocked it with a low ‘click!’.

“Do you think they’re asleep?” Suho asked as Luhan poked his head out.

“Well, duh,” Kris rolled his eyes. “Who wouldn’t be asleep by now?” He was wearing a pajama just like Kyungsoo, except the fact that his had the pattern of galaxies on it, with ‘Duizhang’ written in big letters on the back. No one even wanted to question that one.

“We of course, you dunce,” Tao replied, stating the obvious. Kris raised his eyebrows, but his eyes showed defeat.

“And whose fault is that?” Chanyeol asked slowly like they did on children’s shows, looking out on everyone. Luhan was maybe the one who had reminded them, but he wasn’t alone at fault. They had all forgotten him, after all.

“Shh!” Luhan shushed them, making them keep their voices down. He was currently looking at the pair, leant up against the wall. They were both sleeping like he had suspected, but they had blankets now, indicating that Sehun had went and gotten it for them. So they had been awake, after all. They just didn’t get out. Somehow, Luhan felt a small stab of guilt, but then… nah. He had probably done Sehun a favour anyways.

Chanyeol stuck his head out, over Luhan’s. “It doesn’t feel right, waking them up now…” he muttered, and everyone agreed. They looked so cute; it was almost that Suho cooed on them where they slept. But of course he didn’t, because he wasn’t the mommy of the class either. Just almost.

“I say we let them sleep here,” Kai suggested. “We just drag them inside without waking them up. That’d be bad anyways, because then they wouldn’t be able to sleep again.”

Kyungsoo was a little bit skeptical to the idea, but Baekhyun nodded agreeing, fired up about the idea.

“This can be stage two of operation GIJAST!” Kai grinned as Baekhyun was on his side.

Xiumin furred his eyebrows. “You’re still not letting go of that name?” he asked.

To this, Kai just sighed. “Your real name is Minseok, right? Just like mine’s Jongin. BUT, Xiumin and Kai just sound so incredibly more cool, right? Would you let go of that name, just because others think it’s weird? Nope, didn’t think so. Therefore, I will not let go of operation GIJAST.” When he mentioned people thinking that their names were weird, his eyes wandered to Kyungsoo for a second. They were childhood friends, so the latter had probably mocked him when he got the nickname Kai.

Xiumin just shook his head and sighed, giving up on Kai completely. “Do whatever you like,” he said. And, he had to admit, they did look cute.

And so, they started carrying in the two without waking them up. It was quite the struggle, because Sehun was much more heavy than he looked.

“Jesus Christ, lose some weight, will you?” Chen asked as he had Sehun’s legs in his arms. He looked like he was going to faint any second. But then again, Chen wasn’t the one known for his overpowering strength. He wasn’t Xiumin either.

“Hey, put her in his arms,” Kris said as Tao and Chen propped Sehun up against the wall inside. Xiumin came behind, carrying Ji-Min the bridal way, nodding at Kris’ suggestion. He carefully put her down on his lap, and she curled up against him in her sleep. They seriously looked like a couple, especially when Chanyeol threw Lay’s blanket over them.

“I can’t believe I’m sacrificing it…” Lay muttered, which was ignored.

Suddenly, Tao yawned. “I’m tired,” he muttered. “I don’t wanna go home. Don’t feel like,” he said.

Lay nodded. “I’ll join you,” he said sleepily. The other were more skeptical, but the tiredness soon got the better of them and they all laid down to sleep on the floor, on each other or up against the wall. Luhan slept in Xiumin’s arms, Chen shared his jacket with Lay, Baekhyun and Chanyeol slept with their heads leaning against each other, Tao and Kris weren’t giving each other remarks as Tao held onto Kris arm as he fell asleep, and Kai and Kyungsoo used the latter’s jacket as a blanket. Suho was somewhere in between them all, and they honestly looked like one big pile of humans sleeping. But it was cozy. It certainly was. Even though Chen still was wearing that morph-suit.

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