Return of the girls and kisses

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One week left, and then it's holidays! I'll probably update a lot then.


Ji-Min P.O.V

I tend to start up ranting about how everything is hopeless and useless and why it all had to happen with me. A new class? I can manage that. Idiotic classmates? No problem. Getting into trouble that wasn’t even me? Count me in. Having the girls in school hate me because I was placed in a class I didn’t even want to be in? I’ll handle it.

But this, by far, was my worst day in the year. And I hadn’t even been here for two months.

“Hey, Kai, catch!” Chen shouted as he threw peanuts at Kai in the cafeteria. It was his turn to choose food in the cafeteria, and he had picked light food it was easy to throw around. And now Kai had to take the consequences for the school that had given Chen the opportunity. As Kai got the peanut thrown right between his eyebrows, he frowned at Chen.

“There was no way I’d be able to catch that!” he complained. Chen just ignored him however, and continued throwing at other people (mainly Lay because he was too nice to do anything). It was as loud by our table like it usually was, and everyone joked around. What they didn’t seem to notice, like every other goddamn time, were the people staring.  And with Chen’s morph suit, why wouldn’t people stare?

Ignoring them, I shook my head silently. I sighed and pushed my food around on the plate. We had to join the competition tomorrow, how could I have forgotten? It was literally our only focus for a month. And now it was here, without any one of us noticing.

Sehun must have noticed I was silent, because he cocked his head and looked at me as a question. I just shrugged back, finding myself noticing how nice his hair looked today. How did he manage to do that? He hadn’t even done anything to it. He should have had a bed hair at least, but nooo – it looked just as perfect like it usually did.

I blinked a couple of times, realizing what I had just thought. No. Had to snap out of it. Why was I thinking about this? He was the first half of the idiot duo SeHan. No. Nope.

When the lunch ended, I walked out a little bit later than the others. I had to think about what I could do to get them to do their best for tomorrow, but seeing them now – as Kai and Lay was playing an imaginary “guess who”, Chen was bugging Suho by constantly poking him and Luhan pretended to be sophisticated by read his maths-book (which was upside down) I really wondered how it was supposed to go.

I looked down on my feet as I walked up the stairs, not really wanting to go. I was totally minding my own business, avoiding bumping into people, and the stairs and hallways slowly emptied. When the school was silent like this, it was actually quite nice. I still got glares from the girls, and the ones who had tried to attack me had been shooting daggers at me all day. I really just wanted them to go back to caring about themselves, but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

Aaand. That was then it happened. I walked up to the fourth floor when I was stopped by a note on the floor. A white paper with a big red X on it. Ji-Min, when you see a note with a big, red cross on it? You do NOT go to investigate it further. Well, at least afterwards I knew. Because in that second, I was showered with ice cold water, followed by a whole sack of flour. Oh god, I was a mess. I tried to get the flour out of my mouth, wondering who would do such a thing. From upstairs I heard girls laughing evilly, and I looked up to see the girls who had attacked me earlier look down on me.

No, it wasn’t because it was them, or because this was a new thing to me. But in that second, I was on the verge of crying, because the story only repeated itself.

Sehun P.O.V

I was on my way up the stairs when I heard it. I usually went up with Luhan or Tao, but today Luhan had left early to finish a project with Xiumin and Tao had jumped onto Kris back, daring the latter to carry him up. I had been walking with them to begin with, but later remembered I had forgotten my phone in the cafeteria and ran back to get it. I hurried past Ji-Min on my way there, but didn’t really take any notice of it as I was only focused on my precious cellphone, probably lying there alone, dying without me.

When I was on my way back however, I heard someone laugh, water splash and someone gasp. I didn’t really care to check it out as it probably were some of the students having fun instead of doing what they were supposed to, but as I reached the fourth floor a cloud of white greeted me as I stood in the stair from third to the fouth. At first I wondered if it was smoke, but soon realized it wasn’t. It was… flour. For gods sake, those students should be in their classrooms by now! Playing with water and flour in the middle of the day?! Okay, maybe Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol had done stuff like that before but they were weird and didn’t count.

That’s when I heard the choked sobs, as a known voice shouted through the cloud. “Why are you doing this?! What have I ever done to you?!” Ji-Min screamed, her voice broken. And I understood that this weren’t students playing around. This was something more.

The other voices just kept on laughing like before, and I heard someone go down the stairs. The flour was starting to clear up and fall to the floor instead, but I quickly pressed myself against the wall, hoping the white would still cover me. I could see the girls walking down and onto the floor and disappearing. I could now also see Ji-Min, covered in water and then flour that stuck to her everywhere. Her uniform was dirty, and her hair sticky and wet.

I recognized the girls as the ones who had tried to attack her earlier, and felt anger boil in the pit of my stomach. Why were they doing this to her?! She had never done anything to them, yet poured water and flour on her.

One of the girls smirked. “I don’t think our warning got through to you,” she said. “We very clearly told you to stay away from our prince, but yet there are rumors you spent the whole night with him,”

“What?” Ji-Min seemed confused, them shocked. She couldn’t hold it much more now, I realized she had been strong for so long she couldn’t do bullying on yet another school. “I… It wasn’t like that! We were locked out and…”

the girls started attacking her with bad words that would have made my grandma turn in her grave, and I decided to step in. The flour was all gone now, and as I showed myself the girls and Ji-Min looked at me. I sent Ji-Min a smile, but glared at the girls.

“You,” I said. “Are goddamn disgusting. How can you do this? If you want my attention, you have to get other ways by, oh I don’t know, acting like human beings should. If you’re going so low as to bully others, you might as well change schools because I don’t want you here.” I said, my voice ice cold as I walked over and hugged Ji-Min. The girls looked at me with scared looks in their eyes. “But… but she spent the night with you!”

I rolled my eyes. “And that’s a bad thing? Yes, she did. What’s that to you? Bullying her won’t make you any better.” I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier.

“You know what? Spending the night with her was great.” I drew Ji-Min in, and our lips met. And for a second I forgot the girls, feeling her lips on mine. They were kind of floury, but I didn't care. Her lips were as soft as before, and I felt myself melting into it. Maybe I liked this. I was originally doing it to get back on the girls, but… I liked Ji-Min.

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