Stupid questions and unexpected twists

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I haven't been updating for ages! I'm really sorry. I have a lot of exams and still have like four tests next week, so I'm kind of stressed right now. However, I maganed to write this between all that is happening. Big thing incoming o_^ I hope you like this!


Ji-Min P.O.V

The next weeks flew by quickly, as we kept on training. I gave every one of them their individual program, and it seemed to have a good effect.

However, there was one person that didn’t progress at all.

Dear Oh Sehun.

I kept giving him advice and I even spent whole hours with him after our assigned hour to practice with him. But nothing seemed to work.

So, in the end, I realized I had to help him outside of school. Because even though his technique was okay, he didn’t seem to get any better at all.

“Hey, Sehun!” I shouted that day after school, when we were just about to go home. Sehun, who was on his way out with Luhan, turned to me and cocked his head slightly. “What?” he asked. Luhan poked him with his elbow, and then walked out together with the others. He smirked as he turned around, leaving Sehun alone, and my eyes looked suspiciously at him. He didn’t care about it however, and just raised an arm to say ‘goodbye’ and disappeared behind the steel-grey door.

“I think we need to help you progress even further,” I said. “Therefore, I’ll help you train even after school.” I leant against my desk, and put down my blue and white bag beside me.

At first, Sehun looked like he was at a loss for words. “M… more water?” he asked, obviously nervous.

My eyebrows crept together. “You dislike water?” I tilted my head and looked at him with a wondering expression. But he seemed so comfortable in the water. So he really didn’t like it? I would never have believed it in a million years.

Sehun fidgeted with his jacket and his eyes looked down for a couple of seconds, before returning to me again.

“It’s not like I dislike water,” he muttered. “It’s more like… I just don’t like it very much. I hate getting wet.”

I probably should have just nodded and told him that we weren’t going to actually swim, but instead, I blurted out the most ridiculous thing ever.

“Then, how do you take showers when you hate getting wet?”

Yes. In all seriousness. I literally asked a boy how he took showers. Dear God, please just let me sink through the earth and sleep for a thousand years already.

Sehun looked confused at me for a second, his eyes becoming more and more wondering and suspicious. “Well I have to do it of course,” he answered. I mentally slapped myself for saying such a stupid thing, and before my idiot-mouth could follow up with more stupid questions, I gave Sehun a piece of paper. I hoped he would forget my idiotic question just now, and instead focus on the paper. Because if I didn’t make him forget this fast, he would remember. And then, he would tell all the other boys. If there was something I didn’t need, it was Baekhyun or Luhan’s questions to why I would ask Sehun how he took a bath.  And as I hoped for, he did.

“The park… 7 p.m?” he read off it. I nodded.

“We will be running,” I said. “You need to become stronger.” Those words came from the right mouth, yeah. Sehun was at least ten centimetres taller than me, and had at least twice the muscle-mass. He looked at me with a strongly doubting face, and I sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be joining you in everything you do,” I tried to persuade him. In the end he gave in to me, and we both agreed to meet in front of the park-gates at 7 p.m. precisely.

Sehun P.O.V

That evening, I met up with Ji-Min in the park as we had decided we would. I realized why she did this – she wanted us to get better, she wanted us to win. And this alone surprised me. My impression of her had been that she was kind of cold and indifferent towards everything and everyone. But then again, would a cold person offer their spare time to help others? So even if I had thought of Ji-Min as a snowman before, I started to wonder if she really was one at all. Or maybe, she was in the process of melting.

While thinking all these ridiculous thoughts, I ended up managing to imagine Baekhyun and Chanyeol as suns that melted Ji-Min the snowman. This was the sign that I needed to stop thinking, and I put on some music instead, waiting for Ji-Min.

A couple of minutes later, she came running towards me. She was dressed in jogging-tights, a blue Nike-t shirt and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. It was really different – not to mention surprising – as I had only seen her in those black punk kind of clothes or our uniforms at school. I hadn’t even imagined that she owned other clothes.

I think it was about then, as she ran towards me, that I realized that even though I met up with the boys outside school evenly, Ji-Min had never joined us. What was she actually doing in her spare time?

Not long after Ji-Min came running, we started our workout. We tried the whole small-talk thing, but it quickly became extremely awkward and we decided to let it be.

At first, we ran for about twenty minutes around the park. I hate running, to be honest. And as we ran, I kept asking myself why I was doing this.

When we were done, both Ji-Min and I were breathing heavily. And I swore that I would never run ever again in my life. It was just too painful.

“Okay,” she said after we had taken a minute to catch our breaths. “Let’s start with the strengthening-exercises.”

I moaned loudly. “Do we have to?” I asked. My legs felt way too wobbly and weird already. They would fall of before I came home if we continued like this.

But she nodded, and soon after, I was doing push-ups, sit-ups, the whole thing. Well, she was doing it with me, at least. I’d feel really demotivated and irritated if she just sat there without doing it. At least we would both be tired and sweaty when we got home.

After what seemed like hours, and my hopefully soon-to-be abs felt like they were on fire, Ji-Min suddenly clapped and got up.

“What?” I asked, spreading out on the ground. I didn’t have the energy to sit up, and it felt like my stomach was going to die if I tried.

“This will be the last thing we do,” she announced, and an extreme feeling or relief spread through my body. “Okay, let’s start. Lay down on the ground on your back – yeah, just like that. Then, raise your hand up in the air like you’re trying to reach for something.” As she instructed me, she came closer and put her palms against mine, leaning over me with her full body-weight.

“This is a common exercise, so don’t be embarrassed, okay? Now, try to do push-ups using my body weight instead of your own,” she told me not to be embarrassed, but we were so close that her ponytail, which fell in front of her shoulder, kept tickling my arm. I felt redness creep into my cheeks, but I ignored it and started doing as she told me to.

It was so much harder than one would believe. Ji-Min couldn’t weigh more than 65 kilograms tops, but she still felt like a ton. As I slowly bended my elbows and Ji-Min’s face came closer, I noticed that she had really pretty eyes. She smiled and encouraged me to keep going, As her face came closer I felt the strength in my arms fade and my muscles grow weaker, and I wondered if I would have the power to lift her up again. My muscles felt as if they were on fire, and my head started to hurt. And just as I was about to lift her up again, our faces couldn’t be more than ten centimetres apart. I felt the determination to get this over with, but just then my arms failed and she fell over me. But that wasn’t what I was most concerned about. Actually, her falling over me was a minor thing comparing to what now happened.

Because right now, in this moment, was all I could think about her lips pressed against mine.


If you liked this, please let me know! Also, I appreciate comments on how you think the story was, either good or bad ^_^

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