Nicknames and Kyungsoo

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Sorry for not posting! Writer's block. I had honestly only thought to update this as a contrast to all my hospital-drama in my other stories, but I ended up quite enjoying this. I also had no direction with the story before, but now I actually know where it's headed (at least in bits and pieces). I am going to introduce new characters! In like a million years, if the story even lasts so long. Thank you for reading!


Ji-Min P.O.V

My class? They were actually better than expected them to be. I had thought they would all be rich, four-eyed losers, but I was completely wrong. After first period they all flocked around me, like they actually wanted to know me. That had never happened before. There were a couple of guys who remained in their seats though, but I didn't really care about those.

"So, where do you live?" Baekhyun asked lively. He had totally forgotten that I had called him bacon, which I found very nice. I would've bore an everlasting grudge to someone if they called me that.

"Well," I stuttered, but couldn't complete my sentence before the paper plane-throwing guy popped up from behind Baekhyun.

"What is your favourite food?" he asked. My eyebrows crept together. What did it matter, what I liked?

"Uhh... Icecream?" I said on impulse. The guy nodded, and I learnt that he was named Chanyeol shortly afterwards. I sighed for myself. Was this how my school day was going to be? I felt tired already, and we weren't even in second period.

When the bell chimed out after second period, I thought everyone would remain quietly in their seats. Dear was I wrong. The bell hadn't been chiming for half a second before a guy tipped off his chair and onto the floor. He was tall with a sharp jawline and a worried look in his eyes, but kind of handsome. Yes - even I had to admit that. I hated guys that tried too hard, but even though this guy had blonde hair, which was obviously coloured, he still seemed normal, and not wannabe at all. I wondered how he pulled that off, considering that all the blonde-haired kids I had meet so far had been stupid delinquents. This guy did NOT seem like a delinquent, and I knew he wasn't stupid. Behind the blonde-haired kid another kid laughed - I recognized him, even though he hadn't come over to talk to me. He was a loudmouth - well, at least together with some people - and even though he wasn't very big, his presence was there, and you noticed him. The loudmouth laughed at the blonde kid, making it obvious he had done something to make blondie fall. Blondie. I liked that nickname. The teacher asked what was going on, but the bell had chimed - and he had no more authority. The blonde kid quickly got on his feet, and rushed out of the classroom.

Another of the boys around me, Kai, saw me looking and followed my gaze. His eyes gleamed as he saw all the ruckus between Loudmouth and Blondie, and he laughed.

"So you've noticed them, hm? The tall one, that's Oh Sehun. He has a default 'I have no idea what's going on'-look on his face, but he's actually quite energetic and funny. The other one, the smaller, that's Luhan. Someone says his name is Xi Luhan, someone says it's Lu Han. We call him Luhan and don't care to look further into it. He's kind of loud sometimes, and is sooo manly," at this point, Kai grinned and laughed. He tried to conceal it with a cough, but he didn't quite manage it. "Anyways. Just never approach Luhan if he's hanging with Baekhyun, because then you're doomed to get it, a pie in the face or whatever. Sehun's actually our maknae though. Luhan is the second oldest. Just keep that in mind."

I cocked my head slightly. Kai was quite handy this way. It looked like had full control over everything. I wondered how the hierarchy went. The youngest to the oldest? It didn't look that way. The least grumpy to the grumpiest? Wouldn't make sense, that either. Maybe they didn't have a hierarchy, or maybe they just had these natural leader-types. Suho, the class-rep, seemed like that kind of person. He didn't seem like the oldest, but he just emitted this aura of leadership - I couldn't quite explain it.

Sehun P.O.V

I went to the roof to think. I knew it technically allowed, and probably shouldn't go there, but then again it was not necessarily a rule that prohibited it for my class, I guess it was just one of those peks being at the top of your grade got you. I didn't mind, and it was definitely unfair, but I had come to learn all of society was built on who was the smartest and richest, based outwards appearances only. I wouldn't get in trouble. It wasn't fair to any other person, but then again nothing seemed to be fair and I had learnt to accept that early on.

I wondered what was wrong with me today. Maybe it was my lack of sleep. Somehow, I doubted it. There had been many sleepless nights before. But I had always gotten through it. It hadn't really affected me before. But this time? I felt all messed up inside, like my emotions didn't know how to feel, and then mushed together a pool of half-assed feelings. Was it the fact that this girl was crashing into my class, my life? Or the fact that we were once really good friends? I just... Goddamnit, this made me go mad. I didn't like my life being disturbed by unnecessary things. It only made mess.

Soon after, the door to the roof opened and someone stepped out. The Advanced class was the only one with the possibility to come up here, as the normal classes didn't have access to the top floor, which the Advanced class occupied. Therefore, I knew it was someone from my class.

"Who's there?" I groaned sleepily. I was half-asleep up here already, the warm sun soothing my face and the cold wind brushing against my cheeks. It wasn't a cloud on the sky, and the blue colour made me really relaxed. I closed my eyes and tried to mute out the noise.

The person didn't walk away as I though he would do. Everyone knew that when Oh Sehun was sleepy, he was in a mood in which he should not be disturbed. For what reason I didn't know, Luhan contributed it to the perpetually mean look on my face. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Kyungsoo," someone said, and sat down beside me. Kyungsoo. Then it was okay. Kyungsoo never pestered me about anything, and he was pretty much the human embodiment of Winnie the Pooh, except with a knack for killing people with a look alone. Also, he could probably take down any human being pestering him in a matter of minutes. But otherwise, he was the human embodiment of Winnie The Pooh.

It became quiet for a while. It was obvious that he waited for me to say something, because he didn't want to ask me uncomfortable questions. I liked that with him. That doe-eyed person could probably make the world a peaceful place in one day if he had the resources (except for his enemies, he would probably close them up in a country alone to suffer).

"Why did you come up here?" I asked, opening my eye halfway to look at him. If someone could help me find out what was wrong, it was Kyungsoo, after all.

"Because you looked like hadn't slept all night, and then rushed out of the classroom. I wanted to check on you," Kyungsoo shrugged and looked at me as well. He did seem worried.

I tried to smile, not wanting him to worry any further. "Hey, I'm okay. Even though I didn't sleep, it takes more than that to bring me down," I grinned, putting on a brave act. Sadly, Kyungsoo looked right through it.

"Everyone needs sleep to function. But why did you rush up here?" Now that the conversation was flowing, he wanted to know. I think I at least should tell him, but somehow, the words just didn't want to come, like they were stuck in my throat. Maybe it wasn't time to tell them that I supposedly knew Ji-Min.

"Because my mom is messing with my head again," I answered after thinking thoroughly. That was the truest think my brain allowed me to say to Kyungsoo. And Kyungsoo knew my mom, so he got why I had run up here. She always made my head feel like a maze, and she'd done it to my friends a couple of times as well. Kyungsoo was one of them, and he knew very well that my mum was the real version of Dumbledore.

So he didn't take the conversation further, but let me drift on into a dreamless sleep for the next couple of minutes.

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