Chapter 15 - Headstrong Stallions (Pt. 2)

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Princess Giselle:

            I heard the familiar clip – clopping of Aura’s graceful hooves steadily approaching from behind and sighed in defeat. I guess I really am stuck with him for the rest of the afternoon. I stared straight ahead, refusing to look at him; even when he drew up beside me, with Aura matching Storm’s gait hoof by hoof.

            “So where are we heading?” he asked casually, his self-assuredness resurfacing after his humiliation back at the stables.

            Sighing once more, I slowed down Storm to a stop. “We’ll take the wood trail. Just follow me,” I instructed, returning his gaze blankly, before kicking Storm’s side and setting off at a canter.

            “Hey!” he yelled in annoyance and I turned my head to see Storm’s hooves kicking dust into the air, stinging his eyes and causing him to choking. Laughing, I waved back smugly at him, pretending to tip my helmet at him.

            “Race you to the lake?” I shouted after him, once again halting to a stop.

            “What’s the prize?” he grinned, his eyes twinkling at the challenge.

            “The winner  gets the right to treat the loser as his personal slave for a day,” I replied readily, confident of my sure win. Storm is larger and quicker than Aura, not to mention his dominant male ego ensures that he never settles for second best.

            “Deal,” he smirked challengingly at me as Aura trots over to us, whinnying softly at me and sounding a little annoyed that I chose to ride Storm.

            “Sorry, old girl,” I apologised, reaching over to pat her neck. Looking back up at Sergei, I fixed him with my iciest glare. “Don’t be too sure, princey. I never lose,”

            “We’ll see, won’t we? Princess,” he shot back smugly.

            “Ready? Set, go!” I yelled out, loosening my grip on Storm’s reins and digging my heels into his sides, causing him to immediately bolt into a fierce gallop.

Hot on our trail was Aura, her hooves pounding against the track wildly. At the pace we were going, it spared me no time to observe the familiar yet somewhat foreign landscape which passed by in a blurr of hazy colours. The wide dust trail slicing through the wide open meadows soon narrowed into a dirt track as we entered the woods, the two horses almost neck to neck with barely a foot between the two. I stole a glance to my side and could not help myself from smiling. Sergei was leaning over, his lips close to Aura’s ears, occassionally muttering words of encouragement as his eyes focused on the unfamiliar trail with a fiery determination. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at his concentration, which I found strangely adorable. Aura knew this trail like the back of her, er, hoof. He need not worry about anything in fact. Shaking my head to focus my thoughts, I turned my gaze back to the trail, letting Storm take full control of the situation. Judging from his flattened ears and strained neck muscles, the stallion understood that this was a race.

            The shady trail lined with great firs and ancient oaks soon began thinning and the late morning sun filtered through the gaps between its great branches, its golden rays bathing the trees and undergrowth with a magical quality. Birds flew out in surprise from its tallest branches, chirping frantically and flapping wildly as we thundered through the peaceful trail. The feel of the wind whipping my face and the sweet, earthy smell of the dirt dislodged by the horses’ hooves made me throw back my head and laugh. How have I missed this feeling! Beside me, Sergei shot me a questioning look which I answered with a genuine smile in his direction; a first for him. My sudden change of mood must have startled him for he slackened his grip on Aura’s reins, causing her to stumble slightly. Shaking my head, I dug my knees  into Storm’s sides, urging him on faster, and the hot-headed stallion readily complied. Aura lost some precious ground after Sergei’s fumble, and by the time the lake appeared around the bend, she was a good few feet behind.

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