Chapter 12 - A Night of Neglect

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WARNING! SEXUAL CONTENT! If you don’t wanna read it just watch out for the asterisk signs signaling the start and end of the sexual scene. Don’t worry, it doesn’t affect the storyline much.

King Frederick:

            I pinched the bridge of my nose as I paced around in my study. Dealing with a rebellious teenage daughter is the last on my list of priorities, yet it seems to be the most reoccurring problem. Why can’t that girl see sense for once? She’s so stubborn, she’s almost bordering on stupid! Now I can’t concentrate on our bigger issues!

            “What do you propose we do, Your Majesty?” the Royal Advisor pressed urgently. “The Freygradians’ demand for our harvest is unethical! They are practically forcing us to choose between starving our people and letting them die at war!”

            “I heard you the first time, Redford!” I snapped impatiently. “We need the French’s help. Send a letter explaining our situation to them at once!”

            “Yes, Your Majesty,” he bowed, and hurriedly left the room.

            The French won’t be able to stop the marriage from happening, that isn’t against the law of the land. But at least they can prevent Ansodria from being invaded. No matter how large Sir Leonid claims their army to be, surely they are no match for the French Army.

Princess Giselle:

            A deafening silence hung thickly in the air. I stared at the ceiling quietly, almost paralyzed by the unfamiliar tension in the room. My heartbeat echoed loudly in my ears and I was barely breathing as I waited. Wait, what am I waiting for? Do I even have the right to hope anymore? Is it selfish of me to hope that everything will be alright? Please say something!

            “So you’re getting married, huh?” he finally muttered, finally ending the awkward silence. Bitterness coated his words like venom and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

            “Do – do you hate me?” I asked him shakily in a tiny voice, playing with my fingers nervously and looking at anything but him.

            “I don’t know, Gi. I don’t know!” he snapped, standing up and walking over to the French windows. He stood there with his back towards me, the silver moonlight casting his stiff silhouette across the room.

            “I’m sorry I dragged you into this,” I apologized, as I let my tears fall silently. “You need your job – “

            “I’m not blaming you, Gi,” he snapped, cutting me in midsentence.

            “Then why are you so mad?” I almost yelled him, my temper flaring at his attitude.

             “I’m mad at myself, Gi! Right now, I feel like the stupidest man on earth for believing this will ever work out!” he yelled back.

            I flinched at his words. Is he regretting everything that we’ve had?

“That’s not my fault! How many times have I told you? You never listen!” I retorted, hot, angry tears spilling down my cheeks.

“I know,” he replied quietly. “I was a fool. What chance does a stable boy has with the princess?” he scoffed.

            I bit my lip to stop myself from sobbing out loud. He’s giving up on us…

            “I have to go,” he continued. “You’re someone else’s fiancée now, Gi. We can’t do this anymore,” turning around to look at me.

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