Chapter 11 - Sticky Situations

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Princess Giselle:

            “Giselle?” called father pleadingly from the other side of my door.

            “Just leave me alone,” I sobbed.

            “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but I thought it would be the best for you,” he apologised.

            “You ‘thought’ it would be best for me,” I scoffed. “Look at where it got us!” I snapped. “Our country is in danger and now even trading off your daughter won’t save it!”

            He remained silent at my insensitive words and I silently cursed my loose mouth for lashing out at him. That was low. I cringed in wait After a few minutes of excruciating silence, father finally sighed.

            “Listen, Giselle. I’m sorry I forced you into this,” he finally said, his tone hard and final. “But that doesn’t mean that I will put up with your childish behaviour any longer. Grow up child. You’re not the only one hurting. Ansodria is,” he finished quietly.

            I sat there stunned as his retreating footsteps faded. I groaned and leant my head against the door with a thud. Guilt crashed over me as I imagined the look of agony on father’s face as I threw those cruel words heartlessly at him. His last words had shook me to my core, and made me realise how selfish I am to think only for myself. Oh, Louis, what am I going to do?

            Louis! I need to talk to him! With that thought in mind, I jumped up from my pathetic sprawl on the floor and ran to my balcony. If Louis could climb up and down my balcony every night, then so could I. An shocked gasp escaped my lips as I beheld the scene below. Guards! There were guards everywhere! What on earth?!

            “What’s going on?” I shouted to one of the guards standing right below my balcony.

            He jumped up with a start at my voice and quickly saluted me, still avoiding my gaze. I bit back a chuckle as I realised he must have been surprised to see me in this state, messy hair and dripping makeup and all.

            “The king has ordered us to guard this area, Your Highness,” he replied.

            “And for what reason is that?” I asked him, eyes narrowed as I realised where this is going.

            “We, uh, are to prevent you from, uh,” he stammered, recoiling under my glare.

            “From escaping?” I offered, eyebrows raised incredulously.

            “Y-yes, Your Highness,” he stuttered in agreement.

            I let out a groan of frustration as I stomped back inside my room. Trust father to know that I would try to run off to find Louis. I let myself fall onto my bed and sighed heavily. There is no need to try and check outside my door. Its probably heavily guarded as well. I guess I have no choice but to play nice now...


“May I present, Your Highness, Princess of Ansodria, Princess Giselle!” announced the, uh, announcer as I entered the now wide open doors. All eyes in the room turned to look at me and the guests parted like the Red Sea as I glided towards the center of the room where the jerk Prince Sergei was waiting.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Sergei commented as he took my hand and kissed it. For once, I was glad for my gloves.

            “Thank you,” I curtsied, flashing him a winning smile. If he wants to play, two can play that game.

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