Chapter 4 - Secrets

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Princess Giselle:

            I turned around hesitantly and despite knowing what to expect, my heart still skipped a beat at the sight that greeted me. Louis was perched on the railing, smirking devilishly at my evident shock. He just doesn’t give up does he? Ignoring my abnormally fast heart rate, I put on my cold mask and narrowed my eyes at him.

            “Like the rose?” he asked cheekily, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

            His unexpectedly casual comment threw me off guard. I was at a loss for words to say to him. What part of “This has to end” does he not understand? Seeing the determination in his eyes, I knew whatever I said will be of no use. I let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed my temples furiously, trying to ignore his expectant gaze.

            “Please, Louis,” I hissed, making my voice cold and cruel. “Leave me alone!”

            He didn’t budge, in fact his smirk just got wider. Annoyed at not getting the reaction I was expecting, I stepped up my act.

“We are o-ver, Louis!” I hissed at his still amused face. Grabbing the rose he gave me, I threw it at him angrily. “Now leave before I call the guards!”

To my utter disbelief and embarrassment, he burst out into hysterics, doubling over in glee.

Fuming, I opened my mouth and screamed at the top of my lungs, “GUA –“

His hand immediately shot out to cover my mouth, muffling my indignant screams. I scrabbled at his hand to remove it, but he was too strong. In one swift motion, he pinned both of my hands above my head against the balcony door frame and raised an eyebrow at my livid expression. In response, I bit his hand with everything I’ve got.

“Ouch!” he hissed, immediately yanking it away, wiping it against his tunic in disgust.

I smiled winningly at him, but it faded immediately when I remembered I wasn’t supposed to. I pushed him away from me and ran into my room, but he stuck in his foot before I could slam the doors shut.

What do you want from me?!” I almost shrieked in frustration, on the verge of tears.

“You,” he answered softly, before leaning in to capture my lips in his.

I stood frozen, not responding as his warm, soft lips moved against mine desperately. As if almost pleading, begging. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as my conscience screamed at me to push him away. But I was weak. I was a selfish, pathetic, love drunk fool. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same desperate need.

“I missed you,” he whispered against my lips, making me cry even harder as he placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Shh,” he whispered soothingly as he ended the kiss. I was trembling too hard from my sobs for him to kiss me. He gently pushed my hair away from my face and wiped my incessant tears with his thumbs. Without saying a single word, he guided me to my four-poster bed and tucked both of us in, with me still crying rivers into his tunic.  


I woke up the next morning to someone persistently shaking my shoulder and calling my name.

“Your Highness! Please wake up!”

I groaned and wriggled deeper under the covers. “Leave me alone,” I muttered sleepily.

“But, Princess, the King requests your presence for breakfast! It’s already half past nine!” squealed the maid in distress.

I shot up in horror. Half past nine?! Breakfast is at 9! Father will be furious; especially after I shut him off last night. As the grogginess faded, another wave of shock overcame me. Louis! Where is he? Did last night really happen? Or was it just a dream? My hands flew to my mouth as I recalled last night’s events. He kissed me! I was torn between squealing in delight and pulling my hair out in frustration at what happened, so I settled for staring blankly at the wall. To make sure it wasn’t just my hallucination, I grabbed my pillow and inhaled its scent. With a strange mix of horror and relief, his scent still lingers on it.

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