Chapter 6 - History Repeating Itself

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Princess Giselle:        

“Hello, dear. You seem happy,” Father commented nonchalantly, but there was an edge of steel in his voice. I gulped and took a small step back as his eyes bore into my guilty ones, flashing dangerously.

“Hello, Father.” I managed, trying to match his nonchalant tone. “I was just heading to my chambers to freshen up before dinner,”

“Where have you been?” he asked innocently.

“Um, with Sebastian?” I replied, pretending to look confused about his question. Oh, crap. He’s suspicious.

“Don’t lie to me, Giselle!”  he snapped, finally ending his charade.

I flinched at his harsh tone and took a few more steps back, my heart hammering against my corset wildly. In one instant, Father’s face had hardened into a cold mask of fury and his eyes glittered like burnished steel under the dying rays of the sun.

“One day, Giselle! It’s only been one bloody day!” he yelled in anguish as he advanced closer.

“F- father?” I stammered, my whole body shaking uncontrollably as I caught on to the reason for his fury. No, no, no. He can’t have known! How? Oh God, what does it matter? I was so stupid to think this will work. So naïve!

“Don’t call me Father, you ungrateful, spoiled brat!” he roared. “I had to clear up your name two years ago. I had to send you to France to avoid the rumors.  I had to bear the shame of your foolish little game. Is that what you think this is? A game? Fun?!” He ranted, waving his arms in the air violently like a mad man.

Teas of guilt and shame cascaded freely down my cheeks as I took in his words. He was right. I was a selfish, ungrateful brat. I had disappointed him again. My heart ached as I watch Father pace around angrily; I’ve never seen him this mad, and to think that I was the cause. I sank to the floor at his feet, silently begging him with my eyes.

“I thought sending you to France will bring you to your senses. When you returned yesterday, I seriously thought you’ve changed! I wanted to believe in you! But you…, “ he trailed off, staring out of the window just as the sun disappeared over the horizon.

“You gave me no choice,” he finished coldly before turning around and leaving me crying on the cold stone floor.

King Frederick:                                                                    

            I clenched my fists in anguish as I stormed through the deserted palace corridors. How can she be so stupid to do it again? I knew it! I should’ve known letting her come home was a bad idea. She has always been stubborn, but this time, its plain foolishness! She gave me no choice this time.

            “Get me the Royal Advisor,” I barked at the guard standing outside my study. “Now!”

            Giselle has to marry before history repeats itself. Her virtue cannot be compromised any longer.

Princess Giselle:

            I watched as Father disappeared around the corner with a heavy heart. It’s hopeless. It’s all over! I ruined it all again! I gazed out at the now dusky sky and sighed heavily. I’m so sorry, Louis. This really has to end.

Two years ago…

            “Happy birthday!” I screamed loudly into Louis’s unsuspecting ear gleefully, earning myself the satisfaction of watching him jump in surprise and kick over the bucket of dirty suds all over the newly scrubbed stable floor.

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