"SLEEZE!" I yelled as I shut the car door.
I began walking at a fast pace to get away from that car as fast as possible. I can't believe him! I told Kane no! But he thinks I'm just playing hard to get! Grrr I swear to god there is not one male on this planet that doesn't think through their penis!
"Come on Tera get back in the car! I swear I'll keep hands to myself"
He said as he was slowly driving next to me.
"You couldn't pay me to get back in that car!!!"
"Tera, it's like a 2 hour walk back to town! Get back in the car! Besides I wasn't doing anything wrong in the first place! You were totally flirting with me all night"
"Yeah if you think flirting is causally talking is flirting than yeah I was all over you!"
"Just get back in the car Tera!"
"Just leave me the hell alone!"
"FINE!!" And he drove off with more speed than I had ever seen.
Okay well I didn't think he would actually leave me here, but it didn't matter there was no way I was getting back in that car!
I started to rummage through my bag looking for my phone to call a cab, I would of called my roommate Lisa but it was 2am and she had an exam in 2 days I didn't want to call her unless it was really necessary, but when I looked at my phone it looked like I wouldn't be calling anybody.
"You gotta be kidding me" I said to myself, there was no cell phone reception! I was really going to have to walk all the way back into town or at least get close enough to town that I get some reception.
20mins later
I could start to see the dim lights of something in the distance. Maybe a diner or bar? I thought to myself. I started to quicken my pace in hopes they had a phone I could use when all of a sudden I could hear a car coming down the road. I moved myself further off the road not particularly wanting to become road kill tonight.
I turned around to watch the car go past when out of nowhere there car lost control and went straight into a fence, I didn't even know there was a lake behind it until I saw the car go head first into it.
I was still too far away to go to that diner/bar for help, that would take too long, I couldn't call for help on my phone since I still had no reception, so it looks like it's going to be up to me to get them out of there.

Heart Held Captive
WerewolfTera's night hadn't been going all that good, her supposed friend Kane had been hitting on her all night apparently 'no' didn't mean no in Kane world. So now Tera is walking home all alone down a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere with we...