Tears were flowing freely down my face as Roman carried me out of the house I had been held captive in for these past few days. I kept thinking to myself, she didn't, she couldn't of, there's no way, she was defiantly, dead. Why didn't I try harder to help her? Why did all I do was scream? After all she had done for me, I couldn't even return the favour.
"Tera" I heard my name being called out but I was too deep in self-hatred to see who was calling out to me. I hadn't paid much attention to where Roman was taking me, all I knew was I was getting out. But now coming out of my depressive spin I looked around and I could see an old house in the distance with broken windows and broken down doors and I was sitting far away in a black SUV in the back seat, legs hanging out the side with Roman look down at me face contorted with pain, worry and blood.
"Tera" He said again, this time holding my face between his large hands so we were looking at each other. When I looked into his eyes I was brought into a better place where I felt loved and safe, but I was still out of it and I couldn't manage a proper sentence. Roman scooped me up again and he hopped in the backseat with me closing the door behind himself and cradling me to his chest.
"Alpha, she may be in shock" I felt Romans arms tighten around me possessively.
"Drive Nate, I want to get her as far away from this place" I felt the car jolt forward and finally I was putting this hell hole behind me. But at what cost?
My head was against Romans chest, warm, safe and a weird tingly feeling that I only ever got when I was around him all washed over me. With each strong heart beat that I could hear through his tight top, I could feel my eyes begin to droop and it wasn't long before I had fallen into a deep sleep leaving all my troubles behind me and going into a world that couldn't hurt me like the real world so frequently did.
I could feel my ears twitch at the worried voice of my mate.
"She's been out for 2 days Katrina, why isn't she waking up?!" Roman asked, his voice traveling through the walls so clearly.
"Look Roman, she's gone through a lot and you need to let her rest. If I was to use my powers on her to wake her up it could screw up her healing process. Let her heal!" I looked around my old room in Romans house to see I was alone.
"Don't talk to me in the tone Katrina, she is my mate and I-"But Roman didn't finish his sentence, instead I watched as the door fly open and in slow motion I saw Romans face change from surprised to happiness.
"Tera! You're finally awake" In long strides he walked over to me in the bed, he knelt down gently took my hand begun kissing it. I watched him as he lightly kissed my hand, unsure of what to say, I suddenly noticed my hand was becoming more wet than it should have been from Romans kisses, I could see small tears escape from his eyes and fall on top of the back of my hand.
"I am so sorry Tera, I never meant for any of this to happen. You weren't meant to get involved and I am so sorry" He kept up his apologises until I placed my free hand on top of his head. He looked up with his red eyes and stained checks and the only thing I could think of to say in this situation was.
"It's okay" It really wasn't okay, I had been kidnapped, held hostage by him, attacked by a werewolf, kidnapped again, tortured, nearly killed, only to be taken back here and still I couldn't bear to tell him everything I was thinking. To make him any sadder than he already was, well just the thought of it broke my heart a little.
"Roman, now that Tera is awake I should probably do a check up on her" I recognized her voice as the woman from the hall, she moved to the side so I could see her more. It was the woman who had healed me from when I was first attacked by the werewolf in the forest, I finally knew the gypsy ladies name, Katrina.
Roman looked up at me wondering if he should hand me over to Katrina or hold on to me a little while longer. He had made his choice when he stood up finally letting me go and giving Katrina a slight nod, giving her the all clear. Roman sat in the chair that was opposite the bed, carefully observing.
I had been bugged with a question ever since I had resurfaced from my deep sleep and I knew that if I didn't ask it now it would eventually eat me alive.
"Roman" He stopped watching Katrina and all his attention was on me.
"There was a girl, small, blonde almost white hair, her name is Chloe. She was from the other pack, did she make it out?" The seconds tick by with no answer from Roman.
"She was hurt but she's okay" Katrina answers as she still goes over my wounds. I felt a weight lift off of my chest knowing she was safe and somewhere in Romans house now.
"Why did you want her saved?" Roman obviously fuming at thought that I wanted anyone saved from the Bellatorum pack.
"If it wasn't for her Roman, I would have been dead days ago. She looked after me" Romans eyebrow arched at this news, surprised that anyone from that pack actually has a heart.
"So she's okay?" I asked again.
"Yes. When you called out to her, I ordered the attack to stop and to bring her back here for questioning. Turns out her mate is none other than Billy" My heart skipped a beat, I was overjoy that she had found her mate and it couldn't be anyone sweeter.
"That's fantastic" But all Roman could do was grunt. Katrina had finally finished examining my body, I had a few new scars, in total 11. One from the car when I saved the boys lives, three on each arm from the werewolf in the forest and four new ones from Zach, the other cuts he made weren't so deep and were able to be healed almost immediately. She said I was pretty much healed physically, but she was worried about my mental health and wanted me to stay in bed for the next few days.
"Now I'll come see you each day for therapy session but we can start them tomorrow, I think you need more rest"
"Thank you Katrina" She nodded her head with a smile and left the room. It was now only Roman and I in the room. Our gazes were locked but not one of us said a word, he suddenly slowly got off his chair and walked to his side of the bed and sat there our gaze still locked. I gulped unsure of what he would do or say, with Roman I was still unsure of what he was thinking and I could never tell what he was going to do. He placed his hand on my shoulder and started making little circles with his thumb and for some unknown reason I could feel tears start to prick my eyes. I still didn't know how I felt about this man that sat in front of me, so many conflicting feelings stirred about in me and I wasn't sure which ones to listen to. He kicked off his shoes and snuggled down into the blankets and moved closer to me, we were now lying face to face in the bed. He leant towards me and lightly kissed my lips, I didn't fight back, I didn't push him away and instead I embraced the loving kiss he placed so passionately on my lips.
He was my mate and I was his, but I knew that breaking our hearts was the right thing to do. But I let him enjoy this moment so he could look back and know that I did care for him.

Heart Held Captive
Loup-garouTera's night hadn't been going all that good, her supposed friend Kane had been hitting on her all night apparently 'no' didn't mean no in Kane world. So now Tera is walking home all alone down a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere with we...