Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

*Tera’s POV*

Searing pain exploded through-out my entire body. I felt like someone was lighting my body on fire while simultaneously pounding nails into every pore of my body. I was too frightened to move but soon enough it wasn’t even an option. My body went into uncontrollable fits, I knew I was screaming but I couldn’t hear it at all.

I thought I had experienced it all, there was no way I could go through any more pain after Ryker but I was wrong, Ryker and Zach were nothing compared to this, they were considered a walk in the park compared to this.

Suddenly as if I had been paralysed my body stopped. There was a ringing in my ears that started off quiet but slowly became higher pitched and as it became higher my vision became darker, blurring at the edges and soon all there was, was darkness.

*Roman’s POV*

I wasn’t sure what was worse to watch, her screaming, with her body going into fits or her lying there still in her own blood, eyes wide open unblinking.

“What’s happening? Is she ok? Roman!” Billy asked. I ignored Billy’s questions and focused on what Katrina was doing. She hovered her hand over Tera’s face and slowly Tera’s eyes closed and her body relaxed.

“The shift is taking place now” She said with a glare in her eyes directed at me. “Would you care to explain what happened?” She asked as she walked over to me. “I mean you knew this would happen and yet you being the impatient, bull headed, idiot Alph—” My hand connected with her face before she could finish her lecture.

“I am your Alpha Katrina Palin! And you will not talk to me in that disrespecting tone!” I could feel her cold cheek still on my warm hand, my blood was boiling and I could hear my bones start to crack as my wolf tried to shift. I stared her down waiting for her to be submissive and bow her head but instead she looked me straight in the eye “I am not one of your pack dogs Roman Wake, I am a witch. A witch that you came to for help, a witch that is able to take you down with a flick of her hand” She said as she raised her hand in front of me as a threat. “Do not forget that you still need my help if you wish to take down Ryker, this werewolf battle does not affect me. I do not care who comes out on top, the only reason I agreed to help you was because I knew your parents” She looked me up and down and shook her head. I gritted my teeth as she reminded me of our deal. She looked back at Tera and began to walk out of the room but stopped in between the door “She will wake in a few hours” And left without saying another word.

I looked back over to Tera, to see she was still lying in her blood and asked Billy to fetch me some clean sheets. He came back with clean sheets and his mate at his side, I picked up Tera gently and cradled her in my arms as they cleaned our bed.

Billy handed me a damp cloth and I started cleaning away the dried blood on her skin. I patted her gently with the cloth not wanting to bring her anymore pain than I already had and I watched as my bite mark slowly heal itself as her body accepted my werewolf genes in her blood. I noticed every few seconds Billy’s mate would look up at us and would scan Tera’s body with worried eyes.

Soon they finished cleaning the bed and left me to wait for my mate to come back to me. I sat on our bed stroking her hair watching as she slept. I had always known that Tera was beautiful but I had never truly stopped and stared and I couldn’t help but notice all the small things that made her, her. Like the two small freckles that were just under her left eyebrow, how her lips were quite small but still full, her doe like eyes, even when they’re shut I know exactly what they looked like, they were a dark mesmerizing chocolate brown, hard to forget, they were the only thing that would give her away when she tries to hid what she truly feels.

 After an hour of watching her sleep I noticed the mark of the Luna start to form on her neck. It was small, but big enough to cover where my teeth had been. A small black crescent moon laid there between her neck and shoulder, the Luna mark would only appear after an Alpha marks their Luna.

Soon after the mark had shown her body started to twitch and her breathing became heavier. I laid her out on the bed unsure on how she would react when she woke. Within seconds her twitching stopped and I again saw her hypnotic brown eyes.

*Tera’s POV*

I wasn’t sure what was happening first there was the ringing and then there was the darkness, after that I’m not sure where I was but I felt safe, I knew nothing was going to hurt me. I wasn’t sure how long I waited before something happened but soon a brilliant bright light appeared floating in the distance, it called to me and I could feel myself being drawn to it.

I gently reached out my hand to it and only slightly touched it, it turned into a ball of light and rolled into my hand. It was only there for a moment before it sunk into my skin lighting me up from within. My skin begun to glow and I felt as if I might burst, I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable but just before I thought this might be the end I heard a howl, I opened my eyes and saw a grey wolf with two black patches on the left side of its face. I reached out my hand to touch it and realized I no longer had a human hand but a grey paw, I looked back up and noticed the grey wolf was my reflection.

A flash of light blinded me for a second and the wolf was gone, the darkness was gone, I was back.

I stared up at the white ceiling for a long time, I felt Roman’s presence besides me but dared not look, I dared not move a muscle fearing for the pain I had before the darkness came.

“Tera?” Roman whispered as he gently stroked my hand, surprisingly no pain. I hesitantly looked over to him, he was kneeling beside the bed, his eyes bloodshot and dark circles clear under his eyes.

“Roman? What happened to me?” He bowed his head and he began sobbing  

 “I’m so sorry Tera, I swear to you it was an accident” He looked up at me his eyes redder than they were before. “I would never mean to hurt you like that, it’s just – my wolf and –I, I was caught up in the moment after we – and I didn’t mean to I just did – I would never hurt you, I would never hurt you” He started kissing my hand and kept repeating those last words. It was all coming together now, the pain on my neck, the wolf in my dream, he had bitten me, he had changed me.

He had once said as a threat that he would change me without a withes hand once, saying it was excruciating without it, I guess he wasn’t lying.

“You bit me” I said. He stopped kissing my hand and nodded. “You bit me without a witch” He nodded again. I looked back up at the ceiling trying to process it all. A part of me wanted to blame him, to yell and scream at him for doing this to me, to never forgive him but a bigger part of me wanted to console him, to tell him that it’s ok, that I forgave him.

In a way I had been told, an Alpha is all based on instinct, Roman is possessive, strong and is a do now think later kind of man. But he is also loyal, caring and protective and I know he would not have done this on purpose, his eyes were the evidence.

I placed my free hand on top of his and whispered to him. “We our eternally bound by mind, body and spirit now Roman. You are mine and I am yours, nothing and I mean nothing will ever make me stop loving you, do you understand me?” He looked up at me, searching my eyes. “Do you?” I asked him again, making sure he knew I was being serious.

He placed his hand on my cheek “Yes” He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. I savoured each moment his lips were connected with mine, I wanted us to stay like this, so the world wouldn’t be able to inflict its pain on us, so it was just us two, always and forever. But Roman stopped, his eyes full of terror and anger;

“He’s here”


I would like to apologize for like the billionth time for the late update, I always promise that I will be quicker with the next one but never fulfil my promise. Life keeps being lame and keeps throwing sicknesses, work and responsibilities at me.

So I am sorry.

I can only hope I am quicker with the next chapter


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