Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“You, you killed you’re sister?” Was that right? Had I heard him correctly? “Yes, 2 months before she died she found out she was the mate of the Bellatorum Alpha, Ryker” Roman pushed himself up so he was sitting upright on the bed, I was still lying on the bed resting on my elbow in shock. “How did you? I mean why did you?” Roman looked away, staring outside the window.

“The Bellatorum pack has always been our enemy, ever since my great grandfather was the Alpha, one day we heard that 4 of our wolves had been murdered on the border of our territory. My father and I and a few other wolves had gone investigate” He paused and I could see in his eyes that he was remembering that day. “It was the most brutal thing I had ever seen, some bodies had been dismembered and had been thrown about the forest, others were covered in gashes, the entire forest floor covered in blood, flesh and organs, I puked when I first saw them”

“What my father and I didn’t know was that my sister had been following us, she wanted to know what had happened as well, her friend was one of the men that had been killed. Ryker had emerged first on his side of his territory, showing us his bloody hands and even held up a heart from one our fallen pack members. I heard my sisters screams and I thought she had been captured” Roman bent down his head, no longer looking outside and I could see his eyes had become red. “She was screaming because she had looked into Ryker’s eyes and made the connection, she had found her mate. Ryker was just as mad as me, he didn’t want his mate to be from our pack but he also knew now that they had found each other that he could not live without her”

“He kept demanding that we hand her over, that she was his now and that she must live with him. That day was the first time I had ever seen my father shed a tear, he knew that by keeping them apart it would only hurt Regina, but I knew. I knew by giving Regina over to Ryker that he would abuse her and not treat her like a real mate” Roman had now jumped off the bed and was pacing back and forth. “The Bellatorum pack has always been ruthless killers, as soon as we found out that HE was her mate we should have killed him before they made their first contact, before the bond was unbreakable!” I sat on the bed watching him pace, not sure if I should get up and comfort him or let him release his anger in each loud step he was taking.

“I fought with my father saying she couldn’t go, that it was too dangerous. As I was fighting with my father I heard her mind link me one last time, saying “I can change him, I will bring our packs together as one” As soon as I heard this I turned around to stop her, but she had already crossed onto his territory. I watched her get taken away by that monster and I vowed that I would get her back one day” Roman finally stopped his pacing and sat in the chair that sat in the corner of our room.

 “After that day I constantly fought with my parents, telling them that they were insane, that Regina wouldn’t survive with him but no matter what I said they would repeat that “He was her mate, that he would never hurt her” They were fools”

“Over the next few weeks I had devised a plan to get her back, I knew I couldn’t tell my father because he would have stopped me from going through with it. I knew I had to go at it alone and I was fine with that. On the day that I went to rescue my sister I didn’t say goodbye to my parents, I was so confident that I would get her back that I wouldn’t need to say goodbye because I would be back in no time” Roman bit his lip and I knew he was fighting back his emotions.

“Getting into Ryker’s pack house was relatively easy, finding Regina was somewhat harder. Her scent had changed and I couldn’t track her down as easily. I knew had to be quick before someone picked my scent, I was going in and out of rooms as quickly as possible, I had almost missed her when I looked inside her room” Romans bite on his lip had become stronger and I watched as a single drop of blood roll down his chin. I got a tissue and ran over to him, he waved me away and swiped the blood away with the back of his hand.

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