Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I had said it, it wasn’t a dream and I didn’t just imagine it. The words had left my lips and he had heard every single one of them, I had confessed to my kidnapp—I mean my boyfriend ah I mean my mate, wait what are we now? A couple? Was I still being confined to this one room? Was I allowed to speak to my family? Or even yet see them? Was I able to continue my old life in any way?

 What were the rules now?

“Tera?” I looked up at Roman to see his brows furrowed in confusion and worry. His hand was on my shoulder, making comforting circles with his thumb.

“Sorry, I just had a million and one things going through my mind just then” I shook my head trying to clear them but they were still there, plaguing me with their never ending questions.

“You aren’t regretting what you just said are you?” He looked away, freighted of my answer. “No! Defiantly not. It’s just I’m confused” I broke away from him, it was my turn to rant now. “I mean, do I move all my stuff here? What do I tell my family? Am I able to see them? What about my job and school? Do I stop studying for my diploma? Are we officially dating now? Like boyfriend and girlfriend or is more than that?”

“Whoa whoa, you’re going to burn yourself out there with all those questions” He caught me and sat me down at the end our bed. He brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and I nuzzled into his warm fingers.

“Okay well to start things off I think we’ve passed the boyfriend girlfriend stage. Don’t you?” I laughed a little and nodded. “Yeah I don’t think we even touched base with that” He chuckled to himself and then sat beside me and held an arm around my shoulders.

“About your family though” Here it comes, ‘The you-can-never-see-them-again speech’.

“You can eventually talk to your family but it would be much safer if we waited until Ryker and Zach have been captured and dealt with” I sighed with relief and nodded, understanding the logic behind it. “You would never forgive yourself if they were ever to get hurt”  I hadn’t even considered what all this could do to my family if they were to get involved, I don’t know how I would deal with myself if I ever put my families’ lives in danger.

“So what about after all this drama has settled down? What happens with us? I mean before we ever met Roman I was studying, I had a job, I had a life outside of all this. What do I with all of that now?” He looked down and tensed his jaw. He took a long breath and looked at me seriously.

“Honestly Tera? In my opinion for what’s best for you, me and our pack I think those things won’t matter anymore. I know it may be hard for you to let go but when we were apart, well let’s just say I’ve been through a lot and that was the hardest thing I have ever had to endure and I do not want to go through that again” I knew the pain he was talking about, with each passing minute we were apart I could feel my heart weakening, it ached when he wasn’t around and I was almost positive I was going to die from being away from him.

“You won’t need a job when you live here, you will be Luna and that’s a job in itself and although I’m not sure what you were studying before we met but if you wanted to continue I’m sure you could find some sort of online course” He moved closer to me and encircled me in his arms.

“I don’t want you to leave me Tera, I love you like I have loved no other and the thought of you not with me for even a few hour’s scares me”

“I understand, I really do. It’s just a little hard to let go of a future I had been thinking about since I was a little girl. I know I have a different future now and I’m so glad that you are a part of it, I could have never imagined having a man as strong, loving and amazing as you are”


“It’s just hard, that’s all” He nodded his head and pulled me down so we were laying side by side on the bed. I placed my head on his chest and began making patterns with my finger on his chest.

“So what were you studying before you met me?”

“Child care” I could see out of the corner of my eye that Roman was smiling. “What?” I asked, what could be so interesting about the fact I wanted to work with children?

“You were born to be a Luna”

“How so?”

“A Luna is like a second mother to all the young pups in our pack. When their mothers are not around you are who they come to for nurturing and guidance, I’ve never known why we have such a strong automatic connection with our pack leaders but you just know that they are there to help you, when you feel like you have no one else to turn to. You know you can count on them”

“But won’t I feel like an outsider to them? Not being born a werewolf?” I felt like an imposter almost. Who was I to these werewolves but some human outsider?

“No, I’ve seen already how people react when you’re near. You were born to be a Luna” He repeated.  

We laid there on the bed together and I couldn’t help but keep thinking that I could lie here forever with him and be the happiest girl in the world. No big romantic gestures or fancy dinners. I was happy just lying in his arms, feeling the warmth from his body, listening to his heart, there was no better place in the world.

“You could do it you know” I said in a whisper, not sure if he was awake or not. “What’s that?” I heard him say with a husky voice. “Change me. You could change me into one of you” I bit my lip and propped myself up so I could look straight into his eyes. “I know you want me to change” I knew it was something that was always going to happen if I ended up staying here but before now I had never considered actually going through with it.

“I want to be with you forever Roman and if becoming a werewolf is something that can make that happen then I want to be changed” He was looking straight into my eyes,  checking to see if I was being serious or not I guess. He contemplated what I said for a few minutes and then sat up so he was sitting upright on the bed.

“Is this something you really want to do right now? We can wait if you want to” He said, still searching my eyes.

“Roman, I want this. I want you” He smiled and then kissed me. It started off as a quick kiss to the lips but as soon as I felt his lips on mine I knew I wanted more. I dove on top of him, pushing him down onto the bed, straddling his waist with my legs. I began kissing him all along his jawline making my way up to his lips and as soon as our lips met again I felt the sparks and they surged all throughout my body, I pushed myself against him getting as close to him as I physically could. I heard a growl start in his chest and make its way to his mouth, quickly we had changed positions and Roman was now on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

He nibbled at my ear and I felt my body become excited with each kiss, with each touch, with each moan. He let go of my hands and traced his fingers down my arms leaving tingles everywhere his fingers touched. They went all the way down to the hem of my shirt and I felt his warm hands slowly make their way up my shirt. Within seconds both our shirts were on the ground and I knew we weren’t going to stop.

 I didn’t want to

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