Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

I had followed Roman two steps behind the whole way back to the house. I knew how irritated he must be, I look like a tease and I felt like one too, a feeling I didn't like. We reached the porch and Roman had stopped right in front of the door.

"There's a pack meeting in about an hour, I'd really appreciate it if you were to join me" He said in an almost business like tone. "Yes, I'd love to" I said possibly a little too quickly. His head slowly turned to the side, not enough to see his tantalizing blue eyes but enough to know that I had shocked him. He cleared his throat and looked forward again "Be in the dining room by 5"

"Okay" But before the word left my lips he had already gone inside. Not wanting to go inside just yet I sat out on the porch legs hanging over the edge, looking out at the open field in front of his house. It surprised me that I actually didn't have any temptation to try and run away. I was alone, open field in front of me, no one was around why not? But I already knew my answer to my own question.

I had gone against my own words and fallen in love Roman. There was a constant pull on my heart towards him when he wasn't near, I felt lonely and unsafe when he wasn't around and I loved the feeling of when he was around. And even though this was all true, I knew what I would be giving up if I was to stay here with him. My parents, my friends and a life I had worked so hard for.

Staying here would mean no previous life, my life would completely revolve around Roman and his pack and just the thought of never seeing or hearing from my family and friends again it pulled at different part of my heart and suddenly I was crying.

"Tera?" I heard the front door open and looked to my side to see Jake sit next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, hey Jake, um yeah yeah I'm fine, homesick I think" I said while trying to wipe my face clear of any tears.

"Still not a loud to call home yet huh?" He asked with sympathy smile. "I don't think so, I think Roman would be too scared what I would say to my family, In fact I'm not even sure what I would tell them 'Hey mum and dad, just so you know I've been kidnapped by werewolves, I almost made it home but got kidnapped again by different werewolves who thought it was fun to torture me but it's okay I'm back with my original kidnappers?'" I said whilst pretending to be on the phone.

"Yeah, that would be an interesting conversation" "But it's not just about the kidnapping anymore Jake, I'm so confused at the moment and I feel like my heart is being pulled all over the place and I-I just don't know what to do" I looked at Jake hoping he would have some answers, but how could he? He was just as new to this world as I was.

"I think what you need is just to have a normal day where the word's "were", "wolves" and "kidnapping" doesn't come up, in fact--" he paused I and I saw mischievous grin appear on his face. "Okay 9am tomorrow, be up, be dressed and be ready" He started to get up and go back into the house. "Wait! Be ready for what?" He looked back one last time and I could almost feel the excitement roll off of him. "I guess you will just have to be ready at 9 to find out" And he ran into the house without uttering another word.

I walked back into the house to find C.C rushing about the kitchen getting little finger foods prepared. "Hey C.C, what's going on in here?"

She jumper a little, obviously not aware of my presences. "Oh Tera, how are you sweetie? I'm just preparing a little bit of food for the pack meeting. I know how hungry those boys can be" "Oh are there no girl's attending?" "Rarely do the females of the pack attend pack meetings, traditionally it's the males that devise the plan and then the females follow it no matter what" I made an 'O' shape with my mouth and just realised how backwards this entire place was. No wonder Roman always treated me as a woman from the 50's, the men felt superior here over woman and a little gal like me can't survive without a man, I thought sarcastically.

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