Chapter 25
With each second passing a loud pounding fist was hit against the door separating us girls against the enemy that was behind that door. The door had begun to crack and I knew it was only a matter of moments before the intruder got into this bathroom, my trembling hands held on tight to the stunning potions that Chloe brought in before we barricaded ourselves in here.
Suddenly a part of the door broke away and I got my first look of our enemy, he was young no older than 20 with a look to kill in his dark brown eyes. He started to shift between human and wolf and that's when Chloe threw the first stunning potion.
Smoke rose from the other side of the door and there was a loud thud. We anxiously waited in the bathroom to make sure that he was really out, when we hadn't heard anything we all started to remove the furniture we had used to keep us safe.
Chloe quietly opened the door and slightly popped her head outside the door making sure the coast was clear. She gave us the thumbs up that the coast was clear, she opened the door fully and I got a proper look at our intruder.
He laid sprawled across my bedroom floor, his nails elongated, teeth sharpened and bones dislocated, his body was caught right in the middle of the shift and it didn't look pleasant. I cringed internally and quickly stepped over his body.
Once again Chloe checked if the coast was clear outside and before I knew it we were running down the hallway.
As we rushed down the hall I couldn't help notice the pictures that use to cover the walls were now all mostly smashed, glass littered the floor, bits of plaster and blood surrounding them. Just as fast and unexpected as the first time I felt another slash go across my body, this time across my back. I dropped to my knees and held in my scream as best as I could. Chloe and Autumn were both at my side trying to comfort me immediately.
"Tera, are you sure you want to go out there?" Chloe asked, her eyebrows closely knitted together in worry. I shook my head and pushed them away.
"We have to go out there and help, every wolf counts" They nodded and followed me down the long hallway. As we reached the kitchen I noticed a familiar body laying sprawled across the ground laying in a sea of blood.
Autumn gasped at the sight of C.C. I knew the look on C.C's face would haunt me for a long time to come, her eyes a pale white, her face paralysed in fear and a great big slash across her neck. I took my cardigan off and laid it on top of her body, covering her face and her neck. I could hear Autumn's muffled cries as she tried to keep down her voice as to not alert anyone but she wasn't succeeding very well. Seeing C.C body laying lifeless in front of me made this battle suddenly very real, these people weren't just out for land or status, they were out for blood and didn't care who's it was. C.C had never done anything to these people and yet she was caught in the crossfire.
From the kitchen I could see the battle clearly, bodies from each pack laid across the wide field, blood changing the colour of the grass from an earthy green to a dark red.
Red had never looked the same after I had seen it in Ryker's eyes, I shivered at the memories he had so viciously etched into my mind. My neck felt heavy, as if the chains were still around my neck.
"Can someone explain something to me?"
"What?" Autumn and Chloe said in unison.
"Why the hell does Ryker have Red eyes? I thought it might be a werewolf thing but I haven't noticed anyone else having them" I asked confused, I thought it may have been a werewolf thing but I've never seen anyone else have it, why was he different?
"You could say it's a curse" Autumn answered. "Yeah but Ryker doesn't see it that way" Chloe scoffed.
"What do you mean? A curse is a curse"
"Not the way Ryker sees it, he sought it out"
"He sought out a curse? Why?"
"It's called The Void, this curse is supposed to give you unbelievable power, your strength and speed is at tenfold but it comes at a cost. You sacrifice everything that makes you human and instead you are driven by power and greed, which really isn't a big deal for Ryker seeing as he was like that before the The Void"
"But when you look at what happened with him and Romans sister, he couldn't love her, the one person that was meant for him to love and he couldn't feel a single thing, that's the only reason he's still alive without his mate, The Void is powering him. From my knowledge he's the only human who has lasted this long with the curse, usually the people who have it self-destruct within a few weeks, they can't bear not being able to feel love, happiness or even sadness, eventually all people who have been cursed with The Void kills themselves"
"Why? Why would anyone want that?"
"Because he's crazy Tera"
I shook my head trying to rid myself of Ryker's blood red eyes. We all ran out on to the porch and my heart suddenly didn't feel so tight and I knew I must have been getting closer to Roman. "Stick together and follow me" I told the girls. We ran straight into the battle, throwing stunning potions at any enemy that got too close.
My heart felt like a compass, leading me to Roman and slowly I could feel it releasing its tension. We were nearly at the end of the field when I saw two large wolves circling each other, they were the largest wolves I had seen so far and equally covered in blood. I knew I must have been looking at Roman and Ryker, the ash brown wolf looked right up at me and I could see shock and fear all mixed in his eyes.
He had only looked away for a millisecond but it was enough time for Ryker to strike, he had his mouth clamped over Romans next and even though his teeth weren't in my neck I could still feel each and every one of them slice into my throat.
I felt a heat take over my body and I began to shake, my heart was beating hard and fast against my chest, Ryker bit down harder on Romans neck and blood started to pour out of Ryker's mouth. I suddenly had no control over my body and I could feel it moving all on its own. My elbows and knees were the first thing to crack, I fell to the floor in excruciating pain, teeth started growing faster than my mouth could deal with and they instantly cut my lips.
What started in a scream ended in howl, I laid sprawled against the blood stained grass Autumn and Chloe hovering over me.
"Luna! Are you ok?" They both asked repeatedly, as I was just about to answer Autumn was knocked off her feet and tackled to the ground by a large brown wolf, Chloe looked between me and her not knowing which one to help.
"Go!" I linked her.
"But Luna-"
"I said go!" She nodded and shifted mid run.
I looked back over to Roman and saw him lying motionless on the ground.
He isn't dead, he isn't dead, he isn't dead, I repeated to myself. I stood up on all fours and began running as fast I could towards Ryker, in the side of my vision I could see blurs of wolves darting towards me but to my own surprise I was faster than them and my to Ryker's surprise I was faster than him.
He turned around 2 seconds to late I had tackled him to the ground, he pushed me off of him with his hind legs and my back crashed against a tree. My body was still sensitive from the shift and the pain spread across me like wild fire but I ignored it and went at him again but this time he was aware of me and moved in a flash, quicker than what my eyes could keep up with, he would bite me then dash away and bite me and run away again, several chunks of fur and meat had been savagely bitten out of me within seconds, I fell to the ground barely being able to move.
Suddenly there was a loud, low laugh and my fur stood on edge. Ryker had switched back into human form with him only wearing shredded denim jeans.
"This was suppose to be fun but you're just making this sad" Ryker leaned over me and whispered menacingly "You're pathetic"
"And so is your mate"
He paused and then smiled darkly. "Or at least he was"

Heart Held Captive
WerewolfTera's night hadn't been going all that good, her supposed friend Kane had been hitting on her all night apparently 'no' didn't mean no in Kane world. So now Tera is walking home all alone down a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere with we...