Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling incredible, I had never had a more peaceful and relaxing sleep. I was staring at nothing in particular for a long while, not wanting to wake the sleeping caveman right next to me. You know when he is like this, I don't mind him, there was no way possible his mouth could screw things up like it usually does and like this this I could really take in his beauty, although I would never admit it to him he really was quite beautiful. If him and his pack of idiots didn't kidnap me I think I would actually consider going out with him if he asked but, he didn't and for someone that really enjoys their free will and does NOT like being treated like a child this relationship Roman is trying to force on me would never work out.  

I looked over at the bed side clock and its red light was showing it was 11:55am. I started fidgeting in his hold no longer wanting to stay in bed, my leg was getting the tingly feeling and I knew soon enough it would go dead from staying in one place too long. I tried manoeuvring my way out of Roman's arms but just as I thought I might finally be free, his arms tightened around my waist and I came crashing back to his chest.

"Mmmmm, Good morning" He said whilst nuzzling his scratchy face into my neck, 'damn morning stubble' I thought to myself.

"You wont be saying that in another 4 minuets" I said as I watching the clock change to the next minuet. "It's almost midday" I told him in a mocking tone. In a split second Roman burst out of bed, letting me go and rushing around the room mumbling things to himself like 'It's midday?!" and 'I've never slept this late before' I shook my head as I watched him go into the bathroom.

While Roman was showing me around the house yesterday apparently he sent out one of his female werewolves to get me new clothes and girly products and infused my new things into his bedroom. I now had my own spot in his large wardrobe and in the bathroom. I cant say I'm exactly happy that he has forcibly moved me in, but I was happy for the new clothes, I had been in the ones I'm wearing the entire time I have been here and they're looking a little dirty and worn.

I grabbed a nice flowy sundress that just reached my knees and some underwear and waited by the bathroom door. I wasn't waiting very long when a freshly showered Roman came rushing out, smelling divine. He bent down and quickly kissed me on the lips, I had no time to protest before he was backwards walking towards the bedroom door. "I'm sorry I'm rushing out on you right now Tera but I promise, I will make it up to you later on today. I'll come get you once I'm done, enjoy your shower" He smiled and shut the door after himself, I heard the defiant click of the lock on that dam door and sighed, 'Jerk' I mumbled to myself. 

I took my time in the shower, trying to take up as much time as possible, not knowing when Roman would return and not being able to leave the room, I knew I was in for a day of boredom most likely just watching bits of lint float about in his room.

Another 10minuets in the shower and my fingers had begun to prune and I took that as sign that I had been in here long enough. I dried myself off and got dressed, I started to apply my make up that had been provided for me, it wasn't for Roman just in case you were wondering, I happen to like wearing make up not so much that you look like some child's barbie that's taken a sharpie to the face, no. I just liked wearing makeup to enhance some of my facial features. By the time I was finished with my make up my hair had dried to its natural brown wavy self. I went back into the bedroom but Roman hadn't returned, I felt my tummy rumble and realized I was pretty darn hungry, I snooped around his room looking for something, anything to eat. You would think a guy like Roman would keep his room a mess with clothes and food everywhere, but it was quite the opposite. I bet you anything he gets his pack members to clean his room just because he's the boss around here. 

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