New Tour, New Rules

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"Jesus Christ. Christian, I'm right here no need to scream."

"Yes there is! What the fuck are you doing carrying those bags down the stairs?!"

"Setting them by the door so that we can just put them on the bus in the morning? You've been on how many tours love? You know how this works."

"Yes, but why are YOU carrying them! I told you I'd bring them down in just a few seconds!"

"..... I wanted to help?"

"Nala! Go sit down and rest! You're pregnant, you shouldn't be carrying these bags."

I groaned before setting the two suitcases on the stairs and going back up to lay in bed.

The triplets bags have been packed and placed by the front door along with the rest of the bands. According to my wonderful husband I am to do nothing but relax this entire tour. That man is out of his mind. The triplets are not going to sit inside a bus for three months. They are going to want to watch the show, go on little adventures. They are curious little monsters, much like their father. They will want to go exploring the cities, different amusement parks. I'm pretty sure our children are adrenaline junkies like their dad. They love the music, live for it, and will be excited and want to watch every show from side stage. They'll want to study the techniques and learn them. What does this man mean 'relax on tour'?

A few minutes later Juliet walked into the room and laid on the bed with me.

"Hey! I have a list of all the cities we'll be stopping at and what's around them. Do you want to plan what we'll be doing with the triplets?"

"I would love to! Christian thinks I'll be able to just relax on this tour. I think he forgets our kids take after him." Juliet just giggles before opening up my mac and pulling up the maps app. We went through every city, mapped how far amusement parks were, how we were getting there, what time we would be leaving and where the nearest hospital was. Being seven months pregnant with twins I had to be careful with how much time I was spending on my feet and how much I was actually resting. I also needed to be prepared to give birth at anytime.

"Babe!" Christian called coming into the room. "Hey Juliet, what are you guys doing?"

"Oh, just planning out our adventures."

"What? No, Juliet she has to relax during this tour."

"CC, the triplets are coming on this tour. When will she get to relax? The best way to handle this is to tired the kids out so they sleep in."

"She's right love, the kids are not going to sit in a bus for three months. We also mapped out where all the nearest hospitals are in case I go into labor at any time."

"Well, Jon specifically set it up where we'll be heading back this way closer to your due date."

"Jon and I will be having a serious talk when I see him. Planning my husband a tour while I'm pregnant. Has he lost his mind?"

"It's his job sweetheart." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Can I have a copy of your plans? I'd like to know where my family will be and such, and I'm sure Andy would like to do the same with you Juliet."

"Yeah Yeah Coma. I'll get you guys a copy once its completely done."

"And we promise to let you guys know if there happens to be any plan changes." I smiled at Christian.

"Good. I'm going to go get the monsters into their pajamas and ready for bed. See you there in five."

I nodded with a small smile as he walked away to take care of our firstborns. God I love that man.

"How do you and CC make it look so easy?"

"Nervous about your first child?"

"Yes! I mean your husband tours as well but then Andy has the whole Andy Black thing which adds more touring to his schedule. I'll be alone most of the time."

"You'll have me Jules."

"How do you do it?"

"CC and I just try to communicate as much as possible. He's always busy doing something, but he and I agreed, Sunday is strictly for family. There is no working on Sundays when he is home from touring. When the time comes and the triplets can't go on tour, he absolutely has to call home. We established rules that are never to be broken. That is part of why last Christmas was so stressful. He broke the rules a few times during the tour and I was disappointed. The triplets had been asking about him and I couldn't even answer them. But we learned that communicating keeping our rules and promises are the biggest keys to making this work. You and Andy will be excellent parents. You guys communicate so well already."

"I'm just worried we'll do something wrong. I don't know if I'm ready."

"You'll be ready as soon as soon as you push that bundle of joy out of your bundle of pain. We all make mistakes as parents. Bella was mad at me for disappearing for a few days, mad at her dad for the things he said. We all make mistakes as parents."

"Ew! Nala! That was such a weird way to describe it!"

I just laughed and went to tuck the kids in with CC. Tomorrow my little monsters will be going on their first tour.

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