The Love Of My Life

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We had been sitting in the waiting room for quite a while before CC was called back. I had told him I couldn't come into the examination room with him, I would lose my mind listening to the doctor talk about him dying.

The doctor did tell me he would be in the eighth room on the right side in case I changed my mind. I was doubting I would. I did sit and think as CC was gone though. I've been being selfish, thinking about myself and not how Ceese may be feeling. I mean, he's the one with a brain tumor. He's the one dying. This is the end of his life and here I am complaining about how i feel. Whining like it's the last time I'll ever see our kids. What about how he's feeling?

God, I'm fucking stupid. I'm a horrible wife, a horrible mother. Hell, I left my kids for three straight days with people who have never had kids. With people who don't cook and don't even do their own laundry.

I'm a fucking fuck up.

Finally after mentally yelling at myself I stood up and walked to the back examination rooms. I should be supporting my husband right now. As I approached the door, I noticed CC coming out.

"Thanks Doc." Christian shook his hand after catching my eye. "I'll see you later." And he proceeded to walk to me.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it before walking down the corridor hand in hand with me.

"What made you decide to come to the room?" CC questioned when we made it outside.

"I've been being selfish... Always worried about my feelings and never thinking about you needing support. I'm a fuck up, I know, and I'm really sorry."

"Babe, you are not a fuck up."

"Yes I a-"

"Nala, you aren't st-"

"Then why have we been so miserable? You, our kids, our friends! I fuck up everythi-"

Before I could finish the sentence I was pressed against my Jeep and CC's mouth was attacking mines.

I could feel the passion, the love, the pain, the joy in the kiss. I could feel he was genuinely happy with life right now.

"Baby, lets take the kids to the park."

I nodded before giving the tiniest of smiles and placing a small peck of a kiss to his lips. "Thank You." my voice whispered before pushing him away, hopping into the truck and climbing over the center console to the driver's seat.

"And you're thanking me becaaaauuseeee?"

"I really needed to shut up."

"Mmm, anytime babe."

I just laughed before driving home to pick up the triplets.

When we finally arrived at the park the triplets rushed out of their booster seats and to the playground.

While CC dressed the kids I managed to pack a small lunch.

Christian chased after the kids as I set up our picnic blanket and basket before settling down and watching my family play.

Eventually he called them all in to eat. The triplets raced each other and surprisingly Blayde won this round. He was not the most athletic of my children, as he preferred to be indoors reading for the most part.

We all sat in a circle as I handed out sandwiches and chips and CC administered the hand sanitizer.

While we ate I noticed CC kept smiling at random moments, like he was planning something.

"Okay, spit it out Coma, what are you up to?"

"Oooooh! Mommy only calls you that when you're in trouble. Better start talking!" Blayze. That little trouble maker.

"Well the doctor gave me some great news. I'm not dying."

"Wait, what?"

"I'll get to see our baby being born, and the triplet's birthday. Hell, another tour. More years of happiness with my beautiful family."

"Ceese, I don't understand. How?"

"They had faulty equipment. The brain tumor isn't a brain tumor. It's a broken cat scan. Doc thinks that it was what he originally thought. All my headaches are from years of headbanging and blasting music so loud."

I screamed and threw myself into Christian's arms.

"Babe be careful, you're pregnant."

"I want another kid after this."

"What?" CC questioned. "Another one?" The smile slowly stretched across his face.

"Yes, I want as many kids as possible babe."

"Are you sure about that babygirl? I mean we could have a whole army on our hands."

"Oh within a reasonable amount you crazy horn-dog."

I laughed and the kids started hugging CC and I both. I couldn't help but smile. My perfect family isn't going to fall apart. We'll still have our rock. I'll still have the Love of My Life.


And this makes a butterfly ... }{

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