Talk To Me

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As I was writing this I realized this idea is kinda in a movie sooooo...


If you've seen the movie I'm talking about, you'll get it in the NEXT chapter :)
:3 enjoy -Bree

"Christian?" I called out as I walked into our room.

The lights were off and the shades were closed giving our room a dark glow. With the sun still slightly shining I could see a body laying on our bed. Walking closer I could see it was Christian.

"Baby ca-"

"I don't want to talk about it Nala. I just want my family to be able to live without me."

"Can you at least tell me what is going on? CC, yes we argue sometimes and flip our shit, but these last few weeks? This is not you Ceese."

"I have a brain tumor. It's the size of a quarter and they can't do surgery on it. I would either die on the operating table, or come out of surgery with extensive brain damage. That's how deep in it is."

And of course I broke down. CC sat up and wrapped his arms around me pulling me closely to his chest. Squeezing me in his grip and kissing up and down my shoulder blades.

I guess my hysterical cries were pretty loud because the triplets came running in asking if I was okay. I don't know how long they were standing there before they climbed into bed with us. I could see through my watery eyes that Ceese pulled them closer to us before laying us all down to cuddle. I laid my hand on the hand he had rubbing my tummy as he closed his eyes.

"I hope to at least see this one being born. He gave me three months. Three months at the most to enjoy life with my beautiful family."

And again I began crying. Blayde seemed to catch on as he questioned his dad.

"Why wouldn't you get to see it being bown daddy? Where you going in twee months?"

"Daddy is dying." he answered him straight. Not a blink, not a shake of the head. As if he has already come to terms with this.

"But what awe we going to do with out you daddy?" Blayze questioned as Bellatrix climbed over her brothers to her dad.

"You'll have mommy. Maybe one day she'll have a new husband for you to call daddy." He answered with a hand rubbing my tummy and the other caressing Bella's head.

"No!" How could he think that? "No." I whispered before climbing out of the bed and leaving the room.

I just needed to escape for a bit.

~~~ time laaaaapse - about a week later~~~

I've been avoiding Christian.

I mean, when he and the triplets want to play, I play. I cuddle with him at night. Hold his hand at dinner. All the normal couple things, I've just been avoiding the topic.

I don't want to know more about it. I don't think I could handle knowing more about it.

Today he's going to the doctor. Apparently they have something to tell him. And he wants me to go with him.

Please just kill me now.

I agreed because honestly I still love him. With all of our stupid arguments, all our crazy talks, I still love this man. I always will, and I understand I should be being strong for him but I'm scared. Honestly I wouldn't know how to live without him.

"Babe?" CC called through the door. "Are you almost ready?" I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was as tamed as it'll ever be, stupid curls, my eyes were a bit red and dry. I was wearing clothes. There's been no makeup these past few days since all I seem to be able to do is cry.

I opened the door to see my husband - God that still makes me feel good inside - looking just as bad as me. That hat on his head to hide away his unruly hair, a black tee and jeans hanging low on his waist. And of course I'm sure if he raised his arms you could see his V-line. Why doesn't he ever wear belts? I just laughed and shook my head.

"And what are you laughing at gorgeous?"

"You. It's like you have a rule against belts."

"Maybe I do."

"Oh whatever." I giggled.

"Come here." he whispered before turning me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "I missed hearing that laugh. It seems like forever since I've heard you genuinely laugh. Almost like you're not happy."

"Baby I'm not." I looked down as the tears built up.

With his fore finger cupped under my chin he slowly lifted my head. "Talk to me then."

"How can I be happy? I'm pregnant with my husband's child and he's dying." I whispered, for I knew if I talked any louder the dam would break. "We have three children together already. Three beautiful children. Two of which look JUST like you. CC I can't do this on my own."

He pulled me closer and the dam broke. I cried and cried. And cried and cried.

"Baby you won't. You'll have Juliet and Ella. Andy, Jake, Ashley and Jin-"


"Stop Nala, you know that's not true. He was just upset with the situation and took it out on us." He lifted my head to lock eyes with me again. "And you know I'd never let you go baby. I'm always going to be with you, right here in your heart." I gave a small smile and nodded before pulling away and wiping my tears.

"Let's go before we're late." CC spoke up and intertwined our fingers together.

Off to the doctor's office we were.

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