Ch 10

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I saw something like metal laying on the ground, as i walked closer i was horrified.. Metal pieces that were with some red liquid on them... They had all claw like scratches on them, like something was really angered and took it out on it. I picked a black, shoulder like part off from the ground, staring at it. I threw the part in my bag, shaking off the liquid off my hand, walking forwad, soon catching a trail of the liquid leading into some door which i entered, finding an elevator.. I waved T.g 2 to come. I looked at the elevator buttons, seeing one with the liquid so i pressed my finger to it, shaking off the weird liquid off again...

The elevator quickly moved, making me lose balance for a second, but i caught myself on the wall. I sighed, getting bored of this weak world... I saw frisk and T.g 2 quietly laying against the wall, whispering something to each other. I heard a dinging sound, but saw that the trail had dissapeared from here.. I walked out of the elevator, them following me. I saw a door in front of me, but when i turned around the elevator wasn't there anymore. I sighed and looked back at the door, remembering this is the judgement hall.. I stuck my hand in my pocket, ready to pull out the knife when i needed it. I pushed the door open with my other hand, slowly walking down the hallway, holding the knife tight in my pocket. Suddenly something appeared in front of me.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Fl-" I cut it off, pulling it out of the ground with no mercy in my eyes. "Oh, so you're the innocent one here, eh?~" The flower struggled in my grip, one of it's petals falling off. I noticed how damaged the flower was. I laughed at it's state, pulling my knife out.  "So, flower.. Do you know where Asgore and Undyne are? As far as i remember they are the only ones that haven't seen me yet.." The flower stayed quiet, not moving an inch. The flower suddenly looked up, looking behind me. "You lookin' for a sav-" I got cut off by something hitting my shoulder. "Who the fuck did that?!" I turned around, seeing the two that were about to meet their death. I threw the worthless weed into a wall, sticking my knife in front of me, ready to attack whenever i need to.

The two stayed quiet, slightly suprised i was alive with a giant spear stuck in my shoulder. "Oh, this thing?" I pulled the spear out of my shoulder, putting my knife in my pocket again. "Thanks for the weapon.." I chuckled grabbing the spear tightly, ready to charge at them. I saw T.g 2 nowhere around so i guessed they went and hid from the chaos again. I circled around them again, and like expected they charged at me, so i lowered the speak so they tripped. I grabbed the spear back to myself. But before i could stab them, they dodged, standing back up and giving me a death stare. "Hmm, seems i can't simply stab you like the others now, can i? Both of the figures, being Asgore and Undyne, flinched at my words, ready to attack again... But before i could do anything something struck the two figures down.

Word count: 568

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