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i'm so tired.
i'm tired of feeling like an annoying burden to everyone.
i'm tired of fighting my mind every damn day. i'm tired of people leaving once they see who I really am.
i'm tired of people telling me they understand what I'm going through when they don't and they never will, because they are not me.
i'm tired of my mom telling me that i'm not trying when some days just getting out of my damn bed is me trying.
i'm tired of the self hatred that consumes my nights.
i'm tired of the emptiness and numbness, i want to feel again.
i'm tired of wanting so badly to cry, but not being able to even do that.
i'm tired of thinking "hit me" every time i see a car coming my way.
i'm tired of the dissociation.
i'm tired of getting so sad that it's hard to even brush my hair and take a shower.
i'm tired of lying and saying i'm okay when i'm not.
i'm tired of hating myself every time i eat something.
i'm tired of overthinking every damn thing.
i'm tired of wanting to die, but not having the courage to just end it myself.

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