a story.

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i have been meaning to write a poem.
about a girl i use to know.
let me tell you a story.
starring a soul that never failed to steal the show.
this tale starts like most others.
a young girl singing in her room.
however she was never a master.
of carrying a graceful tune.
her eyes were oceans.
stare too long and you would drown.
golden brown hair glimmered in the sun.
once in a blue moon did she frown.
sounds normal.
until she got obsessed.
society's idea of perfect.
seeped deep into her mind.
nothing was right about her body.
searching for happiness on her sanity's dime.
after a while it became hard to smile.
laughing was a chore.
her mother began to worry.
what happened to her little girl?
crash diets became a hobby.
eating was a crime.
she begged to be left alone.
until she could take no more.
they watched her as she ate.
amazed by her clear plate.
as the house got quiet.
she slipped from her bed.
the mirror told her lies.
whispered she had big thighs.
her hips were way too wide.
images bounced around in her head.
compared to the models she had twenty pounds to shed.
every night she ate her meal.
then vomited until her stomach was clear.
the weight began to fall off.
but she wouldn't stop hurting herself.
not even if it made her take her last breath.
she called out for me many nights ago.
shaking on the floor.
she hadn't ate for days.
her soft voice began to fade away.
i panicked and pounded at the mirror.
but it was far too late.

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