Could've Gone Better

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It was only 7pm and I was already tired from stocking new beer barrels in the basement. I was thinking of taking a quick nap in my flat upstairs when my boss, Nick, called me up to the bar. "What is it?" I asked. He just pointed to the corner of the room where Bruce Banner, our sound engineer for the gigs, was struggling to untangle some wires. "He wants to talk to you," Nick said. I reluctantly made my way to Bruce and pulled the wires from his hands, unraveling them in a couple of minutes.

"Oh cheers Maria. Do you know who's playing tonight?" It was his right to know, but he would be hurt if I told him the truth. Even then he'd find out when he saw the performers. "A new band called 'Telephone', Crazy Jim with his harmonica and Natasha Romanov." I said quickly. Bruce's eyes widened at Natasha's name. "How's Natasha been recently?" He made it look like he was untying more cables but I wasn't that stupid; I could see they were already sorted out.

"I only talk to her when she comes for a gig Bruce, I'm not her best mate or anything." My stomach dropped at my own words. My only excuse to talk to her was if she was coming to play her guitar every other Wednesday. It was hopeless to fancy someone like Natasha. Not only was she way out of my league, but she was also straight. Bruce was evidence of that. "See you later then?" I nodded and went back to the bar. Nick slipped a piece of paper by me and I sighed. "Need me to read it?" He nodded. After an accident playing darts, Nick was blind in one eye. His other wasn't much better but he refused to get glass, saying it would ruin his "leather look."

"It's just your gas bill details. Don't worry, I'll sort it out after my shift this evening." Nick thanked me and said, "But you're already putting in extra time Maria. It can wait until tomorrow?" I shook my head. "I'd rather get this done and know you aren't behind in your payments, than go home to go to sleep for another hour." He laughed and went through to the office, leaving me to see to the trickle of customers coming through the door.


"Hey Maria, is it the usual room?" Natasha asked me, holding up her guitar. For a moment I just took in her beautiful smile, her deep eyes, her shocking red hair. "Maria?" I snapped out of my daydream and nodded my head, unable to form words. "Thanks," she said, walking round the back. I let out a deep breath, calming my nerves. "Whiskey please Maria. What's got you worked up?" Bruce asked me, sitting down on a stool. My eyes flicked to the back door where Natasha had just gone through. "I should have known. You're still hooked on her, aren't you?" Bruce muttered. I handed him his drink and said, "You know nothing went on. We had a talk, we were both drunk and I tried to kiss her. She fell asleep on me. It's obvious she doesn't remember, thank god." Bruce raised an eyebrow at me and I went to the other end of the bar.

A couple of hours later the bar was packed ready for our final performance; Natasha. She was wearing a red and blue checked shirt and black skinny jeans with those popular tan boots. She was stunning. As soon as Natasha's mouth opened, her silky voice trailed out and filled the room. Although most of the people in the bar were fans of rock music, Natasha had a way of making folk amazing for everyone.

"But the Colorado rocky mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky.
The shadow from the starlight is softer than
a lullaby.
Rocky mountain high..."

By the end of the song, even a few of the tough guys had a tear in their eyes. The last chord resonated round the room and silence fell before everyone applauded Natasha's obvious talent. "Thank you," she said into the microphone. "I'll no doubt be here next month at the same time again. Thanks for listening." The crowd continued to wolf whistle and clap although Natasha had left the stage and was packing up her things. A half hour later I was able to call closing time and the party-goers moaned. It was the same every night. They'd order a few drinks, have a laugh, and always ask to stay a tiny bit more although they had no intention of parting with more money. 

I locked the doors and cleaned up the bar, switching off the lights before heading through to the office. I was surprised to walk past the green room and I fell over against the wall as I was walking in to by Natasha. "Oh my god, Maria, I'm sorry!" She helped me up and I straightened up my shirt, trying not to blush. "Why are you still here?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Just doing some extra hours. Nick needed some help with his bills so I'm on my way to the office." She nodded slowly and then looked confused.

"Don't you have someone to go home to? I swear you practically live here." I laughed and tucked a loose hair behind my ear. "I live in the flat upstairs actually." Natasha put a hand to her mouth and apologised. "Oh I'm sorry!" I smiled. "Don't be. And I love alone so no-one will mind if I work extra hours or not. It's nice to have the spare money." There was a slightly awkward moment as neither of us spoke. Luckily, or so I thought, Natasha opened her mouth to speak. "Can I just ask you something? I mean, it will sound a bit weird, especially if I did dream it." I said yes and felt my cheeks burning.

"A couple of months ago I know we had a few drinks after the gig, but I can't say if what I think happened, actually did. Does that make sense?" I giggled. "I won't hate you if you're wrong, you know." She smiled and seemed to relax. "I think, but like I said I'm not sure, but anyway. I think you made a move on me and then I fell asleep." I searched my brain for a good reply but my rosy cheeks gave away my true answer. "Oh shit," she muttered.

I slide down against the wall and put my head in my hands. She sat beside me, leaning her guitar against the other side of the corridor. "I'm sorry, again." I took a breath and smiled at her, putting on a facade. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one that- I made a move on you. All you did was fall asleep." She sighed and I saw here eyes flick from my eyes to my mouth and back. "I'm sorry that I fell asleep. I don't know anyone else quite like you, Maria."

A/N: The song was "Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver if you're interested :) I'm excited to see where Maria and Natasha might go.... Let me know what you think; I'll take suggestions of stuff to happen and references to make :)

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