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I stormed up the multiple flights of stairs until I got to the long-stay emergency ward. I asked nurse after nurse and doctor after doctor where Nat was. It was like a maze, just wasting every second I could be looking after her. Eventually a young doctor was kind enough to take me to the right area and showed me to a private room. "Ms Romanov is in this room, ma'am." I thanked him and went to open the door.

There was a window beside the door and I caught a glimpse of Nat. She had a loads of wires connected to her and there was a drip behind her bed. She looked terrible. There was even a thick white bandage around her head. I was trying to build up the confidence to open the door when it moved for me. I looked to my left and found Bruce smiling sadly. "You can do it," he said.

I tried to smile back but it faltered and I let the worry wash over me. I couldn't move myself any further to sit in a chair or even go to her side. I was numb at the end of her bed, watching her chest for every breath as if it were my own. It felt like if I looked away, she'd stop breathing and I'd lose her. I couldn't lose her. I wasn't strong enough for that.

After what felt like an eternity, Nat opened her eyes. I don't think she saw me at first but the raising of her eyebrows told me she recognised me. It was then that I found my feet and walked to her side. I couldn't smile at her; the shock of the amount of monitors around her was scaring me stiff. I jumped slightly when Nat raised her hand to touch the back of my own.

Having kept my emotions mostly in check until that point, I opened the barrier and let my tears flow down my face. I sat down on the chair behind me and held Nat's hand as tightly as I could. A few tears trickled down Nat's cheeks but she was smiling. "Note to self," Nat mumbled. Her throat must have been sore; every word she said sounded painful. "Don't take free holidays." She laughed quietly, wincing when her laugh got louder.

I couldn't help but smirk as well, gripping ever tighter to her hand. "I'm so sorry for whatever I did wrong. I've been thinking of our last conversation every waking hour since you left the flat. It was only when you'd gone that I realised just how much you mean to me. I could never lose you, Nat. It hurt to even breath knowing that you weren't with me," I put our linked hands to my forehead and then kissed her fingers lightly.

"I'm broken without you, Nat. It doesn't even matter to me what you feel as long as I can still see you. As long as we can be friends, I can carry on." I'd run out of words to say to her so my voice trailed off into a tense silence. Nat squeezed my hand and I moved forward in my seat. "I don't know why I left," she whispered. "You mean everything to me Maria. I know what I said is unforgivable," she was trying to hold back the tears but I could hear her voice becoming choked.

"But I can't stay away anymore. I left to clear my head and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I knew it was music but I felt like I was floating along rather than seeking out my dream. Every day it got harder and I'm so grateful that you came here. Please can we work things out?" She let her tears flow and soon we both looked like emotional wrecks. I lost my tongue so couldn't speak in reply. Instead I stood up and kissed her forehead. 

In that moment, time slowed and I knew where I belonged. I was meant to be with Nat. I was home when I was with her. "I love you Maria Hill," she muttered. I gasped and held my hand to my mouth. Nat's eyes widened in panic and she said, "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. That was stupid of me. You must hate me after how I left you." The more she said, the more wound up she got. I laughed suddenly and Nat had a look of shock on her face.

"I love you too, you adorable idiot," I said. Nat sighed with relief and I kissed her softly, careful not to harm her. We broke away after a long while and I allowed a large smile to grow on my face. Just looking into her beautiful eyes was enough to encourage me to take matters into my own hands. I decided now was the time to make her mine forever.

Shaking my head in disbelief at my own idea, I knelt down on the floor beside Nat's bed. Her jaw dropped and her eyes began to water again. I grinned nervously. "This is crazy and I have no idea why it's taken me so long to say all of this," I said. Nat shook her head a few times and wiped her eyes. "But I really do love you with every cell in my body, Nat. I stopped being me when you left and I can't do that again."

I was getting more confident and Nat looked increasingly excited. "Will you do me the honour of marrying me, Natasha Romanov?" I pretended to present her with a ring box and she laughed silently so as not to hurt her throat. Nodding frantically, I put on her imaginary ring and she went along with the whole scene, pretending to love the sparkling diamond.

"I've been waiting most of my life for someone in uniform to propose to me," Nat said, laughing. I grinned and kissed her again, this time knowing she wan't going to leave. I remembered at that point that Bruce was still waiting outside. "Hang on a second," I said to Nat, heading out of the door. I grabbed Bruce by his sleeve and dragged him into the room. "Have I interrupted something?" 

Bruce looked at Nat's excited face and then turned to me, his eyebrows raised. "I think we should tell him," I said. Nat nodded and pointed to her ring finger where the invisible proposal sat. Bruce was confused for a moment so i explained to him what had gone on. "Oh wow! Congratulations guys. I'll let the others know you're ok, Nat." We thanked him and Bruce left to call our friends and let them know that Nat was doing well.

"I love you Natasha Hill," I said.

Nat laughed and shook her head at me. "I think you'll find it's Maria Romanov."

A/N: Ok ok, shoot me if you must! It's taken me aaages to write this and there is no excuse other than I had a ton of work to do. Anyways, for now this is the finale to Natasha and Maria's story. If you'd like to have more then I'm happy to take requests for chapter ideas or even if you'd like to see a snapshot into their future. 

I hope this was ok!!!

Happy Reading :D

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