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I sat in the bar, helping myself to a large glass of whiskey. I had no idea what to say to Nat so I said nothing. I just left. What was I meant to say? 'Sorry, but no. I won't let you break up with me.' Although I suppose 'why' would be a good start. I sighed and downed my drink, getting myself another. 

"Crikey. On the drink early are we?" I rolled my eyes and looked behind me. I knew t was Bruce, but I was taken aback to see him shirtless. "I live above a bar. You, though, don't have an excuse for being half naked." He blushed a furious shade of pink and sat on a stool. "Don't suppose you could get me a whiskey?" He muttered. I nodded and got him the drink. Bruce downed it quickly and started to look around him, as if he were anxious about something.

"What's up with you?" I asked, filling up his glass. He laughed slightly and said, "I could ask you the same. I thought things were going great between Clint and Pepper upstairs?" I nodded, but my face fell. "Then why are you down here, drinking a large amount of whiskey?" Bruce said, sipping at his own drink. "Clint and Pepper just needed a moment, that's all." 

Bruce raised his eyebrows. "Where's Nat? You two are inseparable nowadays." I gave in to my emotions and put my head in my hands, letting the tears flow. "Oh Maria. What's happened?" Just as I was about to explain, another man came into the room from the toilets. "Bruce mate, you left me alone!" I stood up and gave the man a stern look. Tony Stark. I looked to Bruce and he simply avoided my gaze. "Oh, my bad. You guys having a chat here? Personal shit?" 

"Yeah, actually." I said bluntly. "I can't believe your behavior, the both of you. Pepper is upstairs attempting to sort her life out and you two are what? Frolicking in the midnight sun?" I was stuck in the middle of a rant, as if my pain and anger was being vented through my words to Tony and Bruce. "You two have never met before! How can you have just decided in a few minutes to do goodness-knows what in there? It's so disrespectful to Pepper let alone plain rude."

My rant over, I felt confident enough to face my problem upstairs. Nat. I was pretty sure that Bruce and Tony now felt embarrassed and ashamed at what they'd done. I just had my fingers crossed that I'd be able to make my peace with Nat. I couldn't lose her. Not now.

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