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"Maria? Are you coming down this evening?" I put my dinner plate into the sink like I'd done for the past three weeks. It wouldn't get washed but I couldn't be bothered to wash up. I couldn't be bothered to even think. It hurt too much. "No," I called down to Nick. "I'm not feeling to good." I paused and waited until I heard him walk back down the stairs into the bar. 

Normally I would have worked every day no matter how I felt, but now I was just numb. There was a knock on the door breaking my daze. "It's unlocked," I muttered. I made my way to my sofa and pulled the multiple blankets over myself, sinking further into my pit of self pity. "It's me," said Bruce as he came in and closed the door behind him. I nodded and went back to staring at the wall in front of me.

Knowing I wouldn't mind in my trance-like state, Bruce sat down on the floor so I was looking straight at him. He'd changed recently. Since getting together with Stark, he was a lot happier and stood taller. Although we were better friends now than before, it hurt to see him so happy. As soon as he got his happiness, mine was taken away. That just wasn't fair.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly. I didn't mean to sound annoyed; it just came out like that. Bruce tried to smile but it fell the longer he looked at the dead expression in my eyes. "It's about..." He stopped for a moment, waiting until I was properly listening. "There was an earthquake in Sokovia." The words poured out of his mouth, each choking him further. I shrugged my shoulders and looked past him.

"I saw it on the news. Poor Sokovia." It hurt to talk so much. It hurt to do anything. Bruce grumbled something that I couldn't hear and then held my head in his hands. "Nat was in Sokovia when it hit. She's on the list of survivors but she's being flown back here later today to receive medical care." My heart was beating faster with every word. "Clint is on holiday in Hawaii with Pepper but there aren't any flights until next Tuesday. They can't get back to be with her."

I sat up and gathered my thoughts as they started to fly away from me. "Why can't you go with Stark?" I mumbled. Bruce laughed with annoyance. "Because you love her! Go and tell her that! Prove to her that she needs you, even though she denies it! Damn you Maria. You can't see an opportunity when it's right in front of your nose. I came to get you; she should be at Lincoln hospital later this afternoon."

I stood up abruptly and ran into my bedroom. Bruce came after me but sighed when he saw I was trying to find some decent clothes. "What are you doing? Go away; I need to get changed!" I shouted at him. I wouldn't have enough time to shower or wash, so brushing my hair and putting it into a bun would have to help. As I scanned the piles of dirty trousers, shirts and dresses, I could only find one outfit that would smell nice enough to wear outside. 

It only took me a matter of minutes to get changed and I rushed past Bruce to collect some bits and pieces I knew Nat would want if she was conscious. I stopped in my tracks, ignoring Bruce's comment on my outfit choice. If she was conscious. "How quickly can you get me to the hospital?" I asked Bruce. He stuttered a reply. "Probably, um, around twenty minutes? It's on the other side of town so it depends on the traffic." 

I bit my lip and paced around my living room thinking as quickly as I could. "Maria?" I heard Bruce in the back of my mind. I knew he was talking but thinking was harder than usual. I hadn't needed to think so much at once since Nat left. I'd just stopped. "Why are you wearing a military uniform?" That made me laugh. "Now you know how I got my medical training. Ok? Now do you have credit on your phone?" Bruce fumbled around his pockets and handed me his phone. I took that as  yes. "Cheers," I muttered, dialing a number I knew all too well.

"Phil? Yeah, it's me. I really need a favour."

Bruce was looking as tense as I felt. I tried to block him from my view. Only one thing mattered now. Only Nat.

"Great! It will be nice to see Lola again as well. Thanks Phil!"

I handed Bruce his phone back, grabbed my rucksack, and ran out of the door. I knew Nick would look after my flat for me. It wasn't like someone could break in without having broken into the bar first anyway. "Come on Bruce! Phil's here!" I yelled up the stairs. Bruce chased after me and ran into my back as I was pushing people out of the way to get out the front of the bar. "But you just rang your mate! How can he be here-"

Bruce's jaw fell to the curb as I was getting into Phil's bright red convertible. "Get in if you're coming. We need to get a move on!" Bruce apologised and got into the back of the car and I thanked Phil for picking us up. As we sped towards the other side of town, weaving in and out of the traffic, Bruce lent forwards and asked, "How come we haven't been stopped by police? Plus I'm pretty sure this car shouldn't go this fast. The physics shouldn't allow it." 

Phil laughed and said, "I'd like to see you tell Fitz that. I work for the government. Nice to meet you Mr Banner; I've heard a lot about you." I smiled, feeling safe in Phil's hands. "I had the pleasure of working for Phil whilst I was in the army. Don't look so surprise Bruce, I'm allowed to have friends." Phil grinned at me and asked if Bruce had any qualifications in science. "You sound like you know a lot about physics maybe?"

Confused at Phil's ease of driving at such a speed, Bruce took a while to think before saying, "Yeah. I have a degree in Physics. Spent three years at Uni studying." Phil nodded, approving. "I'm sure one of my team will be in contact with you soon enough then. We can always use someone with your skills Mr Banner. Maybe you could bring along Mr Stark?" It was lucky Bruce had lost his words at that moment because we pulled around the corner and arrived at Lincoln hospital.

I jumped out and grabbed my bag. "Thanks Phil." I then turned to Bruce. "When you've caught your breath, I'll see you inside." He nodded slowly and I wet inside the hospital. I didn't care about the people staring at me. I didn't care that I was being rude to the receptionist. I wanted to know where Nat was going to be so I could make everything perfect. Everything had to be just right for her.

A/N: Yay! Well. Not really. Poor Sokovia! Did you get ALL of the references I hid in there? I'll include a list in the comments for you to check ;) Sorry it's taken so long to write this chapter, I just wanted to make sure it was perfect for you guys :) Happy Reading!!!

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