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"Is it safe to come in?" I said quietly, scared to enter my own home. "Of course Maria! We're leaving now anyway," said Clint, opening the door to my flat. He squeezed past me in the hallway with Pepper close behind him. I half-noticed their linked hands as I set my eyes on Nat. She was sat on the arm of the sofa, looking straight at me. "You came back?" Her voice was only a whisper. I laughed at her blatantly stupid remark and said, "Well it's my flat, so yeah I came back."

She nodded slowly and picked up a bag she'd had beside her. "Well see you at the next gig." I was gobsmacked; how could she be so casual about all of this? As she met my side, I held her hand tightly. "It seems like I never meant anything to you," I mumbled. Nat sighed heavily and refused to meet my gaze. "Never is a harsh word."

"Never? That's the harsh word?" I gasped. "You decided to sing to me instead of talking in plain words. You decided to skirt around the honest truth! It's obvious you were thinking about this for a while." Now it was my turn not to meet the gaze. "It doesn't need to be talked about." Nat said bluntly. She yanked her hand from mine and headed out into the corridor. "What is your problem?" I yelled, not bothering to hold back the tears.

Nat threw down her back and scowled at me. "I don't know, ok? There's just something about-" she struggled to find the word as she looked around my flat. "-this that isn't right!" I put my hands to my head and grumbled. "Then what is right to you? Is it me? Is it the way we work together? I want to fix whatever you think is broken damn you!"

Nat threw her arms up in the air with despair. "So I need fixing now?" She shouted back at me. My eyebrows knitted together with confusion. "What? No! I didn't say you were the problem, did I?" Nat shrugged her shoulders. "You act like I am." A tonne of bricks fell onto my heart with her words. "When? How? Will you just tell me what's bothering you?"

"You treat me like I'm a child! Like I've no experience with love!" Her face was matching the colour of her hair. I was dumbfounded. Love? Did she just say that? "I know that look Maria. Yes I said love. Now please just let me leave, let me go!" In shock I was unable to respond before she had left the flat. 'Should I run after her? Should I call her?' I had no idea what to do. 

A/N: Sorry for the late update! Hope you enjoy this although it's rather short :) Happy Reading!!

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