Stay The Night

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We both sat on the sofa and I decided to speak first. "I'm not sure what's going through your mind, but all of this is like a dream to me." Nat blushed and sighed. "You're so sweet Maria. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm scared. I've always been with men and now I'm not quite sure to do or say." I smiled to myself and took her hands in mine. "As long as I'm talking to you, I don't care what else happens." Nat sat closer to me and took a deep breath as she put her hands around my waist. 

"So you're not angry? Or want me to leave?" She muttered. I laughed; she was normally so fierce and confident, but now I could feel her hands shaking around my middle. "I've been watching you since you first performed here. Whenever you smiled at me, it made my week. I only ever thought me talking to you was a dream." Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "But we've never properly spoken. how can you say that?" I shrugged and held her head in my hands, placing a kiss softly on her lips.

"I overheard you talking to others. You never persuaded me with your tough outer shell." She giggled and I stroked the side of her cheek. "Do you want to be with me?" She asked. I grinned and said, "Very much." Nat blushed. I didn't quite know what to expect from her, but I was pleasantly surprised when she lent towards me and started kissing the side of my neck. Her arms moved around my waist and she pulled me close to her again. I slid my hands through her hair and strung kisses along the side of her face. 

I couldn't help myself but want her more and more every time her lips met my skin. After a few minutes of the steamy make-out, she sat back and regained her breath. "Are you ok?" I asked. I didn't want her to feel she had to kiss me; I was happy enough just being sat with her. She nodded slowly and bit her lip. "Would you mind if I stayed here tonight?" I raised an eyebrow at her but said yes. "Thank you so much. I'm not sure I want to leave this, us, there or whether we should carry on," she muttered. I was trying so hard to act confident, but I knew my legs would give way if I tried to stand up. 

"You take things however fast or slow you want Nat. I'm just as scared as you are. I've never done this before." Her eyes shot wide open and her jaw dropped. "What do you mean? That you've never kissed a girl before or?" I looked at the floor and didn't bother to hide my burning cheeks. "I've kissed people before, like at parties, but not like we just did." Nat tucked her hair behind her ears and I tried to register what she was thinking. It wasn't long before she turned to face me again. "I'm honored then; you're an amazing kisser." 

With that, she moved above me causing me to slid down the sofa. She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers, before her lips came crashing down onto my own. This was a different type of kiss from a few minutes ago; now it felt like she wanted me. I kissed her back, placing my hands around her neck. She put her arms around me and a shiver rushed down my spine with the feel of her body against mine. I was unprepared for when she started to grind against me, her hands wondering all over my body. 

"Thought you wanted to take things slow?" I asked her, gasping for a breath. I felt her grin against my chest as she mumbled, "but I want you so badly." I pushed her off of me and she sat back, a look of sadness in her eyes. "I'm not telling you to stop," I insisted. "I'd just rather make use of my bed than my sofa." The butterflies in my stomach were doubling with every second. I just had to try and be confident for her, for me. I spent too much time being a coward and that was why we hadn't spoken properly before. Now things were going to change.

I stood up and led her to my tiny bedroom. It wasn't a big bed, but it had a lot more space than my sofa. She followed me and I pushed myself into the deep end, taking off my shirt and trousers so I was standing in my underwear. I watched as Nat looked me up and down, biting her lip. She then took of her clothes as well, walking over to me slowly. "So what now?" I asked. I was starting to feel more nervous than she had been when we first kissed. Nat pushed me against the wall and pressed herself into me, slowly, deeply kissing me until we had to gasp for air. "Now we have some fun."

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