The lie and the creatures

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It seemed worse once they had stepped outside because of how everything looked - windows had been smashed and tables had been toppled over. Oliver frowned immediately, his deep blue eyes moving past the chaos of adults fleeing the area with their children. Jack too was looking but it seemed he had a fair idea of what to do. They were to calm the chaos down, however impossible that seemed for the moment. Oliver was about to run off towards a group of males who seemed to be fighting with rather heavy weapons when he felt his head begin to feel funny and his vision began to blur, the same thing seemed to happen to Jack and those in the same general area as them. Oliver was clutching his head with his small hands, Jack was doing the same.

Quite abruptly the feeling stopped causing Oliver to breathe quickly looking to see if Jack was okay which seemed to be confirmed when the American was standing straight again. "What the heck was that?" The younger Harkness questioned. Jack shook his head. "That was different and I know for a fact that something had to have done that" he answered. Oliver pursed his lips briefly before he exhaled. "You mean it was something Alien?" He questioned. Jack nodded his head stiffly. It seemed only seconds later that images well it was more of forms of deceased beings were wandering around, actually they were doing more than wandering around, they were striking fear into the hearts of the citizens of Cardiff. Now Oliver was going to move himself when his gaze fell upon a Brunette, she was deceased too, he knew it. Oliver's eyes widened and he shifted slightly.

"What? That's... Abigail? I can see her?" He questioned. Jack shook his head. "No. That's not Abigail" the American answered. Oliver's stubbornness was kicking in. "Yes it is! I can see her! It is her!" he exclaimed. The boy had already began to run towards her when Jack had run after him and had tugged him back with his hand having gripped his shirt. "Oliver! That isn't her!" He stated more sharply, he was serious, Oliver could hear it in his tone. "But I can see her, Jack!" he exclaimed, turning his head towards his father. Jack sighed, this made him more sad, the very idea he would need to remind his flesh and blood of the occurrence that had happened with the female. "She's not real Oliver. None of them are" he commented. Oliver's eyes widened, he hoped in his heart that Jack was lying. He wanted more than anything for Abigail to be living. "But she's there. I can see her. I can see her, Jack." He stated. Jack sighed, closing his eyes briefly and moving his hands to Oliver's shoulders, and kneeling down on one knee before him. "Oliver. Remember? You buried her. You saw her die. That woman, that being, that is not Abigail. That is not the woman you loved" he stated slowly and softly. The sadness in Oliver's eyes was beyond real at accepting that Jack was right, the very fact he had to say it in such a way must've hurt him as much as it was hurting himself.

Oliver placed his own hands upon Jack's shoulders before he inhaled, nodding slowly. "You're right. That isn't her. Do you know what it is?" He asked turning himself around to face the being, Jack climbed to his feet, scanning the creature. Yes. He did. However. It was different. To how it looked before it was different. "Yes. Although I don't see why it hasn't killed yet." He stated. Oliver crossed his arms across his chest. "A different tactic you think?" He asked. Jack nodded. A sudden scream caused Oliver to turn his head, a female was rocking herself back and forth, without thinking Oliver ran forward. "Hey! If you're looking for something to naw at come to me!" He shouted. Jack knew nothing could happen to him, we'll that he knew of. Oliver had a feeling that this was only the beginning, things hadn't gotten that mad yet so he was still immortal, although for how long he didn't know and he'd not tell Jack, not until he was properly dying.

It seemed in that moment that one creature came towards him the others did too, much like Zombies but only quicker, they also didn't look like Zombies, but their snarling did make them seem like they were them. The creatures seemed to surround Oliver and Jack quite quickly. Jack moved his head from left to right. "Was there an idea behind that?" Jack questioned. Oliver shook his head. "I was just hoping that something would happen or come to me." He stated. Oliver took out a device and was about to strike some down when a rather unfamiliar voice came from behind the creatures. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" the voice shouted. Oliver remained quite offensive. "And why should I listen to you?" he questioned before hitting one with something that looked like a cane. It seemed it didn't work and the hit on the creature only hit him and hurt his mind although he seemed to still remain composed. "Ooh a strong one. Let me see" he commanded and the creature on one side moved aside. Who the heck was this guy?

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