The Truth Has Come

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His hand. It seemed to just grow back seconds later much to Oliver's liking. But he was not smiling. No. He was currently receiving questioning looks from both Jack and Spock. The Doctor put his sonic back into his pocket and he looked to Oliver, concern within his timelord eyes. "Do you want me to say it?" He asked. Oliver shook his head and The Doctor fell silent. Jack looked between The Doctor and Oliver. "Say what? What's going on?" He questioned. Oliver lowered his head, his eyes looking down avoiding the gaze of his half human half Vulcan friend and his father. "I didn't want to tell you. I wanted you to be happy" he muttered, before lifting his head turning himself around fully to face Jack and Spock. Oliver breathed in slowly. "I'm going to die." He stated. The news didn't register within Jack's mind right away. No. He seemed to think Oliver was to die and resurrect but that wasn't the case. "Yeah well so am I. If its about get worse like The Doctor says" he replied. Oliver shook his head. "Jack. I don't mean.... I'm going to die and I won't be coming back. I'm sorry" he stated this time slowly. Jack's eyes widened. This time it had registered. Oliver dropped his head again. Spock remained silent. He was trying to wrap his head around how exactly Oliver had managed to do such a thing. Jack moved towards Oliver and he crouched down, holding Oliver's arms softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, hurt could be seen in his eyes, his facial expression was sad too. Oliver breathed in slowly. "I couldn't. I wanted to remember that laugh and smile and the drunken banter. I didn't want you to be sad like you are now." He answered. "I wanted to protect you" he added. Jack furrowed his eyebrows. "That's what I'm supposed to do for you, Oliver" he commented. Oliver nodded and finally looked Jack in the eye, and he finally just seemed to burst into tears. Jack at first began to wipe some of the tears from Oliver's face until Oliver just hugged Jack tightly. Jack lifted Oliver up into his arms as he stood, hugging his son back. "It's okay, Oliver. It's okay" he stated in a whisper to him. Sudden footsteps seemed to come around the corner, a male who seemed about twenty or so years old, raised his eyebrow at the sight of Jack and Oliver. "Nice family moment. Mind if I join?" He asked. Oliver let go of Jack and jumped onto the ground. "And who the heck are you?" He asked. The male straightened himself and looked towards Jack.

"Maybe he should answer that" he answered. Jack cleared his throat and he rubbed the back of his neck, saying nothing. The male exhaled and he stepped towards Oliver who was still unsure about the male before him, although there was something. A feeling. A feeling that told him he knew him or trusted him. But he'd never met him before. The male inhaled slowly, and he seemed to kneel down before Oliver, clearly showing he was no threat to him. "You have a feeling that you know me don't you?" He asked. Oliver nodded. "Yes. Who are you?" He asked. The male inhaled and he placed his hands upon Oliver's shoulders. "It would be easier to show you" he stated. A sudden flash happened to Oliver, making him disappear from the view of Jack and the others. He was in memories. The male's memories. One was of a boy, a boy who looked exactly like him, but there was another, one who was the same height and also had Jack's eyes. "Come on Olly!" The boy shouted. The Boy who looked like Oliver arched an eyebrow. "Mum & Dad will be so mad if you fall" he stated. The other boy smirked. "Oh you're a boring brother. Do something fun!" He shouted at him again. The boy was about to climb when he heard the shout from his mother. "OLIVER HARKNESS! JACOB HARKNESS - WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" the voice shouted and there stood a blonde female with her arms across her chest.

Seconds later Oliver was transported out of that memory and was back in Cardiff. The Doctor was about to run forward when Jack grabbed onto his wrist. "You have to let him do this, Doctor. It has to be him" he stated. The Doctor was confused but nevertheless did as he was told or rather asked to do. Oliver's eyes widened and he placed his small hands upon the male's face, he knew who he was. Oliver studied his face and he just fell onto his knees, holding onto the male's arms now. "Jacob. I'm so sorry. It should've been me" Oliver stated in a clearly distressed tone. Jacob shook his head and he brought his brother into a hug. "No. You saved me. Countless times you saved me, even in my Universe you were saving me" he told him in a reassuring tone. The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Wait, another universe... You being here should be impossible" he stated. Jacob nodded his head. "Yes it should, but whatever that is, it made a gateway through, I was the only one who could make it through" he stated.

Oliver lifted his head. "Why couldn't the others?" He asked. Sadness filled Jacob's eyes. "They fell. You fell. To save me you pushed me through and fell into darkness" he stated. Oliver's eyes widened. "What? Was it Pikop?" He asked. Jacob nodded. "Yes and any moment now he will come back and he will change" he stated. Oliver turned quickly, at the sound of the ground shaking. Spock was the first to see Pikop shift, he moved in front of Jacob and Oliver and pushed the two back, all of them were watching as Pikop, the seemingly odd alien become something different. Pikop screamed as wings shot out of his back and he grew to be taller than the small group who were to battle him - Spock, Jack, The Doctor, Oliver and Jacob. Pikop's eyes had gone a dark red now and he had large hands, it seemed that The Doctor was right. Oliver's eyes were lifted towards the creature. He needed a plan. They now couldn't fight him from the ground, which meant that they would need to take flight, quite literally.

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