The Opportunity - ENDING

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Diana inhaled slowly, shifting so the American could step inside of the house. Jack did just that however he stopped by the wall and leaned against the wall. "How did you know of Oliver's demise?" He asked. Diana inhaled deeply. "Jack. I've known Oliver a long time, the first time we met he was cold, distant, he would rather push me away instead of wanting to know me. But then we got close even closer when he was left with the duty of raising me. Oliver told me himself, he showed up at my door and just cried, saying he was sorry over and over. He told me he couldn't get out of it and that I should know first. That's how I know" she answered.

"Jack. You should bring Oliver in. I know your friends have him" she added. Jack raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that?" He asked. Diana inhaled deeply. "Oliver told me. He also said you'd follow something to me" she answered. Jack exhaled. "He came up with everything didn't he?" He questioned. Diana shrugged. "He must've. But I don't think he realised how painful this was going to be" she answered. Jack inhaled slowly. "I'll go gather him" he stated and without another word the male headed out of the house and towards the SUV.

Jack picked him up carefully within his arms, the blanket still wrapped around him. Gwen and Autumn followed after him at last. They came into the house slowly, Oliver's face couldn't be seen. Jack moved into the living room where a casket had been set out. He lowered himself and placed Oliver inside of it, taking the blanket from him and stepping away from the casket. Autumn and Gwen stepping into the room soon enough, their eyes upon Oliver who seemed peaceful just lying there, despite his violent death he was at peace mostly. Diana shifted into the living room, stepping towards Oliver and falling to her knees at the very sight of his lifeless corpse. She'd never seen him die, but seeing him so still and with no laughter or smile coming from him hurt the most.

Diana could already feel the tears falling from her eyes. Quite suddenly however a sound they all knew besides Diana of course echoed throughout the house. It was the TARDIS. Just as Jack thought it was landing inside of the house. The TARDIS landed just outside of the living room, it didn't land harshly no, it was soft. The Doctor exited his TARDIS immediately however it seemed he wasn't alone, Chastity and Jacob followed after him, but also Jonah, Cordelia Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, Lucas Sawyer, Freddie Song, Aurelia Song, Tamandra Funke, Colin Funke, Benjimin Foxx, Jonathan Funke, Jordana Funke, Spock, Captain James Kirk, Lieutenant Uhura, Faith Uhura, Marjorie Funke, Lilac Saunders and Leonardo Di Vinci.

Jack's eyes widened at the many people who had showed up. "What? What's going on?" He asked. Autumn walked into view of the TARDIS and she pieced it together quickly. "Oh! They've come to say goodbye!" She answered for them. Colin nodded his head. "Yes. That is why we've come. Oliver needs a goodbye. The letters weren't nearly a good enough goodbye" he stated. Jack nodded. "Understandable. Come in. This one down here is called Diana. She was a god daughter of Oliver's" he replied. Faith tilted her head to the side. "Like me" she stated, pushing past the other people and eventually stopping in front of Diana. "I'll miss him too you know" she added, helping the female to her feet, keeping one arm around her as comfort.

Faith's eyes had suddenly fallen upon Oliver in his state, her heart felt like it had stopped right then. "You were supposed to watch me grow up you idiot", she told him, placing her hand on his cold cheek, it felt strange, she had done it before when he was alive, whenever he was upset or when he decided to be distant from people, she wanted him alive but she knew if that happened then worlds would be in peril. Tears were leaving her eyes now. "Now who will help me when I'm worrying..." She added, lowering her head. Suddenly beside Tamandra appeared the ghost form of Oliver only she could see.

"Translate for me, Tammy. I need you to do that for everyone" he stated. Tamandra inhaled lightly. "And what about me, Olly?" She whispered. "If you should cry I'll be here. I need these goodbyes, otherwise I fear you all will be held back" he answered. "Go to her, I'll be with you" he added. Tamandra nodded and she moved forward pushing passed people lightly, once she reached Faith she placed an arm around her and inhaling slowly. "Oliver is here you know" she whispered to her. Faith raised her head. "Are... Are you certain?" She asked. Tamandra nodded. Oliver had appeared by Tamandra by this point, whispering something into her ear.

Tamandra exhaled lightly. "Oliver says he's sorry but he knows you're strong and you can always use his magic card tricks to help" she commented. Faith knew that had to be Oliver. She remembered the card tricks he showed her when she was worrying about Spock and Nyota and the stories he'd tell her. Spock's ears picked up the words 'Oliver is here' and he cleared his throat. "You stated he is here. How can he be here?" He questioned. Oliver sighed deeply. "Tammy. Tell Lucas to use the spell he invented. Please. They will be sceptical otherwise" he commented. Tammy nodded slowly. "Lucas? Mind using that spell you invented?" She asked.

Diana by this point had tuned everything around her out, taking no notice of what Tamandra was saying. Lucas inhaled slowly. The only person who knew of the spell was Oliver and his wife. Lucas reached into his pocket and he aimed it beside Tamandra not speaking a word before the image of Oliver suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. The room echoed with gasps. The young Harkness had his eyes closed. Lucas put his wand away, the room was silent again.

Faith was even looking at him again. "Take heed of these words now, also pay attention to the random voices around the room, they are the last of my memories with some of you. You should know I'm always here. I saw your heartbreaks my dears. Molly, you screamed, Jack was hit by my own sister, my brother reacted how I expected. My lovely ones. Be strong." He commented, he shut his eyes as numerous memories appeared around the room. Beside Diana was a memory of Oliver with her when she was just a toddler. "Don't worry my dear. I'll protect you. You are seared to my heart. You and I shall be infinite" the memory voice of Oliver stated.

Moving to another memory that was beside Lucas. "I believe in you Lucas Sawyer. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I know your will. You survived a living hell your parents forced on you. Find your own peace and make sure you hold onto that love" the memory voice of Oliver commented. Moving towards Jacob and Chastity a memory appeared. "You have to let it all back in, the pain" the memory of Jacob stated. "I say no." The memory of Oliver replied. Chastity groaned. "Dammit Oliver. Feel! She may have tricked you but feeling is the best! What about that love!? Think of Abigail!" He stated. That hit Oliver like a ton of bricks and emotions hit the male quickly. "Abigail... Oh my goodness what have I done" the memory of Oliver stated.

Shifting to Jonah an Autumn quickly, a memory appeared. "You idiots, I bloody love you both, stop jumping into trouble when I'm trying to save your skins. Family protects each other. That's what my mother taught me and how I want to be." Oliver stated. Autumn rolled her eyes. "I never asked you to" she replied. Jonah breathed in. "I'll feel guilty" he admitted. Oliver laughed. "Do not be. I will always want to save you both, no matter what" he commented. Moving across the room to Spock and Nyota a memory appeared. "You crazy kids" he greeted. Nyota gasped. "Oliver!" She exclaimed. Spock arched an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. Oliver laughed. "Penance. By the way, I love the whole love thing. It suits both of you. Oh and also be sure to have fun more than once" he answered.

The memory shifted to Freddie and Cordelia quickly. "Oh I just know that you both will be amazing." He stated. Freddie arched an eyebrow. "How can we be?" He asked. Oliver laughed. "Oi. Spoilers Fred-miester" he commented. The memories soon all ended simultaneously. Oliver inhaled. "Oh. I feel different. What is this?" He questioned. Tamandra through her tears inhaled slowly. "He's coming" she stated. Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Who?" He asked. A sudden light hit the room and a figure stood beside Oliver, he looked majestic. "Oliver Harkness. You must decide now. You have touched their lives and given love, do you move on or wander earth as a spirit guiding the lost?" He stated.

They all could see the figure and were curious. Oliver had decided the moment he saw Abigail before. "I choose to stay, I am not moving on without my father. I promised I wouldn't leave him" he commented. The majestic figure nodded his head and disappeared in a flash, Abigail stood beside him soon enough, her hand entwining with his. "I'll join you. Juliet said she can wait and greet" she commented. Oliver looked to Abigail and he smiled. "Looks like the beginning of a strange adventure right?" He questioned. In a sudden bang, the two had vanished, nobody knew where, Oliver would come back from time to time to visit Tamandra of course but for now he didn't want to tell her where he was going. Tears were falling all around the room, people hugging each other tightly.

The scene moved to London on a dark street, a child had just died and was wandering alone. Oliver appeared immediately, his eyes filled with kindness. "Hello" he greeted. The child slowly backed away but stopped noticing that he was dead too. "I'm Oliver. I've come to help you find your way" he added. It seemed the journey of his life had ended and now begun his journey of helping the dead until Jack joined him. It was not a job he minded having.

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