The Letters

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Jack felt a sudden warmth from his pocket, he raised an eyebrow and reached into his pocket, pulling out the envelope he grabbed earlier and he placed it down on the bed. Quite suddenly a whole pile of envelopes appeared. Addressed to many different people. One name however stood out to Jack, Sherlock Holmes, he had no idea that Oliver had known such a man. Before Jack could do anything every letter in that pile suddenly took off in every direction leaving the American in a daze.

His letter however landed on his lap softly, Colin's letter landed in his hand, the same with Spock, Jacob, Chastity and The Doctor. The others letters had gone off to their rightful places. A voice suddenly came from Spock's communicator. Spock reached into his pocket and held it up to his mouth. "Spock. Did you get a letter from Oliver?" He asked. Spock inhaled slowly, his voice soft. "Yes Captain." He replied. Jim inhaled slowly. "What happened?" He asked. Spock closed his eyes. "He died Captain" he answered. Jim went silent for a moment. "Come back to the ship", he ordered. "Yes Captain" the conversation then stopped.

Spock tapped his communicator ending the conversation, holding the envelope firmly in his hand. In an instant Spock vanished, a light having circled around him making him disappear. Colin stood to his feet, his tears were dry now but that didn't mean his heart wasn't weeping. "I believe I too must go" he stated. Chastity moved from his father's side and approached Colin stopping in front of him and placing two hands on the Funke boy's shoulders. "Don't you bottle it up, Colin. Understand? Oliver wouldn't want you to. Besides if you need someone just call. I'll come running" he told him in a soft whisper.

Colin nodded his head slowly, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Thank you" he stated. Chastity nodded before he suddenly gave Colin a hug soon pulling away, stepping back allowing Colin the space to depart. Colin soon vanished in a loud crack leaving only Jacob, Jack, Chastity, The Doctor and of course the corpse of Oliver left. Chastity shoved the envelope into his pocket and headed towards the TARDIS along with Jacob, The Doctor had finally got to his feet. "Boys. Wait inside the TARDIS." He stated. The pair nodded in agreement, they rarely agreed so this was a one off and they stepped into the TARDIS.

The Doctor stepped towards Oliver and Jack and crouched down, looking to the still form of Oliver. "You should know, he talked of you and the others a lot. He also seemed to let his grief go over time." He stated. Jack turned his head towards The Doctor. "For Abigail?" He asked. The Doctor nodded. "Yes. I don't think he forgave himself for Juliet dying though" he stated. Jack frowned. "Why're you telling me this?" He asked. The Doctor inhaled. "Because he said something once 'Do not be ignorant of the beauty you see because one day it could be gone. Everything is beautiful. Despite what you may think' he was saying it to a group of teenagers on the Planet Alfafol. He wouldn't explain what he meant to anyone but them. Do you understand it?" He asked. Jack nodded. "Yes. He said it to me as well, on our first day together in the hub" he stated.

The Doctor smiled seeming to find it good that Oliver had said it more than once. He got to his feet and turned heading into the TARDIS. Jack understood what The Doctor was trying to say but found it hard to take in. The Doctor soon moved towards the console and began to flick switches the TARDIS soon vanishing from sight. Moving from the scene of a father with his son, to the busy city which was London. Soon the story took a turn by the voice of John storming into the apartment as Sherlock pulled the trigger again, aiming his gun towards the wall. "Dammit Sherlock!" He exclaimed.

Sherlock turned his head towards the ex army Doctor and his eyes narrowed at the sight of four envelopes. He recognised the penmenship, it belonged to Oliver Harkness. Sherlock put the safety on and walked towards his flat mate, handing him the gun. John couldn't understand how Sherlock had just controlled himself to do that. Sherlock was handed the envelope which had his name on it. He moved towards his seat and sat down he didn't dare open it, not yet, if there were two others then he would wait for them to come. It hadn't taken long either until both Molly and Greg had come bursting into the apartment, why they were there was evident in their hands, there was two notes, simply saying they were to go to Sherlock's.

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