The Team Assembles

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Oliver moved forward, his hands having curled into fists. He made a gesture with his head for Jack to come towards him. Oliver stopped once Jack had reached him. "Call them. Call Spock and The Doctor" he stated. Jack knew how to do so but his main concern was presently Oliver and the anger and grief he was feeling of course. "What are you going to do?" Jack asked. Oliver turned his head towards Pikop. "I'm going to fight" he stated. Jack sighed. "Fighting won't bring him back, Olly" he commented. Oliver nodded his head, he knew, he always knew but still he had to. "I know" he replied before moving forward yet again, moving past the creatures who were still guarding Jack who had just run off to the hub to gather what he needed to call Spock and The Doctor. "Stand aside - this is between me and him" Oliver stated, crossing his arms across his chest. The creatures nodded before moving aside into two straight lines however they didn't move far away, no, they still wished to protect Oliver, even though he wanted to protect them.

Pikop raised an eyebrow. "What? You're here again? Did I not teach you not to interfere? What is it you want?" Pikop asked. Quite suddenly one of the creatures from the sky flew overhead and dropped a sword down. Oliver moved his hand quite quickly catching the sword by its handle. Oliver raised the sword, aiming it towards Pikop. Pikop raised an eyebrow. "A fight? Are you serious? You'll lose and I'd rather kill you now. Why fight?" Pikop stated. Oliver kept the sword raised at him. "Those souls. The ones you took from the dead. They're trapped in you. I propose a deal. If I beat you then you let them go but if you win then you take my soul and control my shell" he commented. The creatures on the left and right of Oliver gasped in surprise and shook his head. "Angel don't!" "Oliver, sir, don't!" "Don't do this!" Both sides seemed to shout. A smirk seemed to come across Pikop's lips. "It's a deal" he stated.

Meanwhile, Jack kept running, even once he had been allowed access into the hub he was running. He ran towards Oliver's desk, he took note of a letter which caused him to frown and he stuffed it in his pocket. Jack grabbed the two devices that were closest to the chair and he stopped quite suddenly, breathing in. "Those numbers? Could they be for these?" He questioned mostly for himself. Jack inhaled slowly, before he decided to take that chance and place the numbers into the devices. He placed both next to his ears as he awaited an answer. The first to answer was Commander Spock. It seemed that Jack didn't know of Oliver giving the half human half Vulcan a device to stay in contact with him. "Oliver?" The voice questioned. Jack's eyes widened. "It worked? Ah. It's not Oliver. It's Jack. He asked me to call you. He needs you and quickly" he answered. Spock breathed in quickly. "I shall do what I can to come" he stated before ceasing communication with Jack. Jack soon placed one of the devices down before he waited for The Doctor to respond. It seemed it was taking longer.

Back on the so called battlefield, Pikop too had found himself a sword. The creature had already taken a swing at Oliver, slicing part of his arm. Oliver had never been in a sword fight before. The male was just buying time for his friends. He didn't think he could win. Part of his arm was bleeding. Oliver responded with a side step before he took a swipe at Pikop's arm, he had managed to hurt the creature too. For a small male, Oliver could be strong at times. Pikop snarled at Oliver before swiping at him again although this time Oliver ducked briefly before swiped at the male again, hitting him on his leg. Oliver jumped to his feet, hoping to stay on his guard. Back in the hub The Doctor finally managed to pick up the phone much to Jack's wish. "Sorry! Ah. Is this one of the Harkness'?" The Doctor asked.

Jack laughed. "Yes! Doctor we need you. Come help us. I fear that Oliver is doing something ridiculous to buy you some time" he stated. The Doctor's eyes widened. He knew what was happening. He knew what was to happen in the battle he was in and the next one that was to occur. Oliver knew it too. Jack however didn't. "I'm on my way!" He shouted into the phone before disconnecting on Jack. Jack soon left the hub and began running towards the battle between Oliver and Pikop. However it seemed Oliver was losing, especially from how he was standing. Pikop soon came charging at him, Oliver did his best to fend off the male creature when he felt a tremendous amount of pain hit him, moments later he felt the blade of the sword slice his hand off. Oliver's eyes widened and he fell onto his knees, dropping the sword and grabbing onto his wrist, a pained yell coming from him. Jack's eyes widened at the sight. Pikop raised the sword and was just about to take off Oliver's head when a sudden light appeared.

Commander Spock soon appeared behind the male and he placed a hand on the creature's nerve causing him to fall. Spock looked towards Oliver and then to his hand and his eyes widened slightly. "Oliver. That wasn't logical" he stated, moving towards him before kneeling down beside him, wrapping an arm around him as he helped him to his feet. Oliver chuckled. "I know." He replied. "I still had to do it" he added. Spock raised an eyebrow. "I will never understand your risks" he stated. Oliver laughed. "Yes you will" he replied. The TARDIS soon appeared beside Jack as The Doctor ran out seeming to join Oliver's side moments later, Jack followed suit. The Doctor took one look at Oliver's wrist and he frowned. "You know you have to stop doing that" he stated. Oliver chuckled. "I don't think I can" he commented. The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and he aimed it at Pikop, scanning him before looking to the readings. His eyes widened. "Oh this is bad. This is a suitcase full of bad, plus an exploding volcano then just add a bomb on top of that" he stated. Oliver's heart started to beat quickly. "Is it starting? Doctor?" He asked. The Doctor nodded. "Yes and I believe there's more to Pikop than he's said" he stated. If the danger was only beginning then Oliver didn't have long until he was going to die.

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