The Memory Treasure Hunt

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Appearing quite suddenly in the room that had belonged to her young brother, Autumn's eyes automatically moving from Oliver's corpse that was in Jack's arms still to her father. The anger and sadness evident on the younger Harkness' face. "You were supposed to keep him safe!" She shouted, tears falling from her eyes. Yes, she was angry, she had wanted Jack to protect his son and he had obviously failed.

Jack placed Oliver down, moving to his feet. He moved towards his daughter in an attempt to calm her down but in turn the female raised her right hand quickly and slapped him across the face before Jack could respond to that Autumn hit him again this time with her fist, knocking him back. Suddenly the room flashed and Jack and Autumn flinched. They didn't know what just happened. Not until they saw a hologram of a small boy who looked like Oliver but he seemed younger, that boy was playing with a train making the noises himself.

He suddenly stopped and he yawned. "Mummy!!" The boy shouted. Autumn shut her eyes. 'Don't notice us. Don't notice us...' She thought to herself that was until she heard a gasp from Jack. She reopened her eyes to see a blonde with a warm smile stepping into the room and picking him up. "What is it my boy?" She asked. The boy inhaled slowly. "I'm tired. Tell me a story?" He replied. The woman giggled. "Of course. But first you have to get changed" she placed him down onto the floor.

The boy smiled and nodded heading over to his drawers and getting out his pyjamas slowly as the female kneeled down and picked up the train placing it in his toy box gently. The child moved over to his bed and he took off his dirty t-shirt and track pants, placing his pyjamas on soon enough. The female turned and heading to the bed, picking up her soon before lying down next to him, the two cuddling beside one another. "Good boy, Oliver" she stated.

Oliver giggled. "I did as you asked, Mummy. Story please?" He asked. Juliet nodded her head, she thought briefly. 'A Jack story tonight. He likes those. I'll tell him about the time we caught that pterodactyl' She cleared her throat escaping her thoughts. "One day, in a far off place, there was a man who went by the name of Jack, he had someone who went on these adventures with, this one was a woman. Jack and her would talk and play some games until they usually came across trouble. One day, a big flying creature came through and it was called a pterodactyl. Can you say that pterodactyl?" She asked.

Oliver pulled a face. "Petal...Dack...Till?" He asked. Juliet giggled to herself. "Not quite Olly. Don't worry. One day you'll get it" she answered, kissing his forehead before she found herself continuing. "Jack and his friend went out to meet the creature, it didn't want to know them. It said 'Leave me alone. Can't you see I want a place of my own?' Jack then replied with 'Yes but you should come with us. It isn't safe for you here' The woman tried to say more before the pterodactyl was put in danger" Oliver gasped.

Autumn had crouched down at this point to continue watching the, well, she didn't know what it was but Jack had figured it out, he guessed that this was a memory but he wasn't sure how many there was going to be. Juliet smiled briefly at Oliver's reaction before continuing. "The danger was some other humans, very dark humans, they wanted to hurt the pterodactyl, that was until a boy showed up. Now this boy wasn't like anyone else Oliver. Do you know why?" She stated.

Oliver pulled a thinking face before he eventually shrugged. Juliet smiled again. "He was fearless but looked young, his eyes were old, but he seemed to know what was right" she stated. Oliver became curious. "What did he do?" He asked clearly intrigued. Juliet played with the top of Oliver's dark messy briefly. "The boy made a distraction. He said 'Do not touch the male, the female or this creature.' The others laughed at him but they didn't laugh when he ran after them, he had been serious. The pterodactyl allowed himself to go with the pair." She stated.

Oliver's eyes lifted towards Juliet's face. "What about the boy?" He asked. Juliet shrugged. "He vanished after leading the bad people into a trap. Nobody knows who he is or where he went." She stated, standing up slowly as Oliver climbed under his blankets and laid his head down. "I want to be like him" he stated. Juliet smiled to herself, ruffling the young Harkness' hair before kissing his nose softly. "I'm sure you will" the memory of the two soon vanished.

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