The occurrence

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It wasn't. Oliver knew it couldn't be because nothing was wrong. That was not until every phone in the hub, once he'd reached the main section of the hub of course, started to ring like mad. Jack and Oliver both exchanged a brief look of absolute wonder yet seriousness. Oliver rushed past Jack and grabbed a phone, Jack did the same thing once he'd reached a phone of his own. Oliver listened intently as if expecting a voice, but there was nothing but numbers, just three numbers on repeat. "Two, six, nine" the numbers continuously said in a computerised tone. Oliver looked over to Jack, hanging up the phone. "Numbers!?" Oliver called over to him in which Jack nodded in return. "Two, six, nine. Is that yours?" Jack asked, causing Oliver to nod his head hesitantly. Oliver and Jack both moved towards the conference room to check the rift from there.

The pair just seemed to look at the main screen hesitantly. Nothing was wrong. Not that they could see anyway. Oliver crossed his arms across his chest. "What's happening?" He asked. Jack rubbed the back of his neck briefly. "That's just it. Nothing is. There's nothing coming through or going out" he answered. Oliver frowned. "There has to be! Maybe there's... Oh. Stupid stupid." He stated before he fled down heading down towards his desk, Jack frowned this time and followed Oliver. "What is it?" He asked. Oliver stopped at his desk, looking at his devices that were blinking like mad. "The rift, it's not that. There's something manipulating it I'm sure but it's not the rift not yet. Whatever sent numbers through the phones probably is making people do drastic things." He answered. Jack thought briefly before he understood what was going through the Younger Harkness' mind.

"Oh, and why we haven't been influenced is our immortality and something you did" he stated. Oliver nodded his head pulling on his coat. "Exactly. Which is why we need to stop the people before whatever is causing all of this" he agreed. Jack nodded his head too before he headed through the cog door and out of the hub, Oliver following behind him. Time would only tell what damage was occurring outside.

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